TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (2024)

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (1)



Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956

Memorandum from 1956:

Citizens, and former citizens of the town of Louisbourg, who died during the year 1956 at

Louisbourg or elsewhere:

Malcolm Henry MacDonald. Jan. 1. Louisbourg, N.S.

Mrs. Malcolm Boyd. Jan 4. Sydney, N.S.

Mrs. Judson Cross. Jan 14. Sydney, N.S.

John H. Skinner. Jan 24. Louisbourg, N.S.

John H. Thomas. Feb 9. Sydney, N.S.

Daniel Fiandis Jr. March 8. Glare Bay, N.S.

Edward Eldon Tanner. March 9. Sydney, N.S.

Wisley Tanner. April 3. Louisbourg, N.S.

Moses J. Ballah. April 14. Guelph, Ontario.

John Dillon. During the past winter . Vancouver, B.C.

Charles Phillips. May 11. Glace Bay, N.S.

Charles Willot. May 24. Sydney, N.S.

Enoch Townsend. May 24. Louisbourg, N.S.

Mrs. Harold MacQueen. Aug 25. Louisbourg, N.S.

Rev. John G. Hockin. Oct 26. Truro, N.S.

Abram Wiley Stacey. Oct 28. Louisbourg, N.S.

Robert Beaton Oct 28. Windsor, Ontario.

Mrs. Jeremiah Smith. Nov 8. Louisbourg, N.S.

Clifton Townsend. Nov 20. Louisbourg, N.S.

James Hunt. Dec 13. Sydney, N.S.

Mrs. [Rev] John G. Hockin. Dec. Truro, N.S.

Louis H. Cann. Dec 17. Inverness, C.B. N.S.

No diary entry for Sunday January 1, 1956.

January 1956

Monday 2

Lousibourg, N.S.

Variable cloudiness with a few light snow flurries. Light to fresh northwest wind.

Min temperature, 6, max temperature 17.

General Holiday

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (2)

Bank, Post office and all other public offices closed in celebration of New Year’s Day, as well as

all the larger shops. Had my shop open from 9:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. and 3 P.M. until 5 P.M.,

for accommodation of newspaper customers.

Week of Prayer Services

At 7 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended the first in the series of “Week of Prayer”

services, which this evening was held in St. Bartholomew Anglican Church. Rev. H. A.

Seegmiller Reactor of St. Bartholomew conducted the service while Rev. John L. Rose Pastor of

the First United Church, was the guest speaker.


Tuesday 3

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cold and mostly sunny with light northwest wind. A very lovely winter day.

Min temperature, 11, max temperature 22.


At 1:30 P.M. in company with George Louis, attended the funeral of the late Malcolm Henry

MacDonald funeral service which was held at his late residence was conducted by Rev. Hugh

Jack Pastor of Brookland Street Presbyterian Church, Sydney, assisted by Rev. John L. Rose, of

the First United Church, Louisbourg. Burial took place in Catalone cemetery. Funeral in charge

of D.M. Johnston, Funeral Director, Louisbourg.

Week of Prayer Service

At 7 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended the 2nd of the “Week of Prayer” services which

was held in the First United Church. Service in charge of Rev. John L. Rose, of the First United

assisted by Rev. H. A. Seegmiller Reactor of St. Bartholomew Anglican Church. The address

was delivered by Rev. Mohan, Secretary of the British and Foreign Bible Society, for Cape

Breton and Newfoundland.


Wednesday 4

Louisbourg, N.S.

Rain and drizzle during the entire day and late into the night. Light to moderate southwest wind.

Streets and sidewalks very slushy, as a result of the mild weather.

Min temperature, 33, max temperature 37.

Week of Prayer

The 3rd in the series of “Week of Prayer” services was held at 7 P.M. in the Presbyterian Church.

Rev. H. A. Seegmiller Reactor of St. Bartholomew Church was the speaker was not present at

the service.

Death of Mrs. Malcom Boyd

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (3)

The death of Mrs. Malcolm Boyd at this Town took, this evening at the City Hospital, Sydney.

After an illness of many years, Mrs. Boyd the former Miss Louise Cann of Fourehu was about 81

years if age, is surrounded by her husband, and two sons Harold MacQueen of Louisbourg, and

Arthur MacQueen of Sydney. One sister, Mrs. White, the former Maud Cann, also survives. Mrs.

Boyd was married twice, her first husband being Lauchlin MacQueen, who passed away many

years ago.


Thursday 5

Louisbourg, N.S.

Intermittent showers and drizzle of rain during the entire day, and late into the night. Moderate

southwest wind, increasing to strong in the evening.

Min temperature, 38, max temperature, 48.

Snow Melting

As a result of the mild weather the snow is melting rapidly. Pavement on Main Street almost

entirely clear of snow and ice.

C.G Lady Laurier

Canadian Government Steamer “Lady Laurier” arrived in the evening and docked at the Freight


Week of Prayer Services

The 4th in the series of Week of Prayer services was held at 7 P.M. in St. Bartholomew Anglican

Church, with Rev. Mohan of the British and Foreign Bible Society as the special speaker. The

service conducted by Rev. H. A. Seegmiller assisted by Rev. John L. Rose, Pastor of the First

United Church. Emeline and I were both present at this service.


Friday 6

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and mild with some fog and strong southerly winds.

Min. temperatures, 42, max temperature, 44.


At 2 P.M. in company with Emeline, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Malcolm Boyd, which

took place from her late residence on Havenside Street to the First United church, where the

funeral service was conducted by Rev. John L. Rose Pastor of the First United church. Burial

took place in Willow Grove cemetery. Funeral in charge of D.M. Johnston, Funeral Director,


Week of Prayer

At 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended the 5th and last of the series of Week of Prayer

services, which was held in the First United Church. The service was conducted by Rev. John L.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (4)

Rose, assisted by Rev. H. A. Seegmiller of St. Bartholomew Anglican Church. The special

speaker was Rev. Hugh Jack, Pastor of Brookland Presbyterian Church, Sydney.

About 85 persons present.

Choir attendance, 13.

D.F. Nicholson and I sang a duet “Take up Thy Cross” as a special number.


Saturday 7

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy, mild and foggy with strong southerly winds.

Min temperature, 41, max temperature, 46.


Sunday 8

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and mild with sunny intervals. Strong easterly winds. Thick fog along the coast with a

very heavy sea breaking on in shore. Min temperature, 40, max temperature, 42.

Snow Disappearing

As a result of the high temperatures that have prevailed since last Wednesday the 4th, the huge

mounds of snow that lined both sides of Main Street have almost entirely disappeared. Fields and

clearings bare, except for a few widely scattered patches of snow.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church,

where Rev. John L. Rose was the speaker.

About 85 present in the morning and about 65 in the evening. Choir attendance 12 at each

service. The Communion of the Lord’s Supper was dispensed during the service.


Monday 9

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and foggy with easterly winds reaching gale force, and continuing during the night.

Showers of rain and drizzle during the afternoon and night.

Min temperature, 41, max temperature, 42.

C. G. S Lady Laurier

Canadian Government Steamer “Lady Laurier” which has been stormbound here since last

Thursday evening, took onboard 150 tons of bunker coal prepar [sic] to sailing when the weather



TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (5)

Tuesday 10

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and chilly with some fog. Strong easterly winds of yesterday and last night continue

during the entire day and at times reaching gale force. Showers and drizzle during the afternoon

followed by steady rain in the evening. An unusually heavy surf breaking on the coast as a result

of the long period of easterly winds.

Min temperature, 35, max temperature, 38.

Federal Parliament Opens

The federal parliament opened at Ottawa today under the Premiership of the Honourable Louis

St. Laurent (Liberal). The leader of the opposition (Conservative) is George Drew.


Wednesday 11

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and chilly with mist and drizzle of rain which was followed by steady rain in the

afternoon and during the night. Strong easterly winds at times reaching gale force in the early

part of the day, decreasing to some extant during the afternoon.

Min temperature, 35, max temperature, 36.

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M. in company with Emeline, attended and conducted choir practice in the First United



Thursday 12

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with rain and drizzle during the entire day and late into the night. Fresh easterly winds

and some fog.

Min temperature, 35, max temperature, 38.


Friday 13

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with rain and drizzle during the afternoon and night. Fresh southeast and south wind.

Min temperature, 38, max temperature, 40. New moon today.


Saturday 14

Louisbourg, N.S.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (6)

Intermittent showers and drizzle of rain all day, and late into the night. Foggy and mild. Fresh

southeast wind decreasing to moderate.

Min temperature, 40, max temperature, 41.

Snow Has All Disappeared

The two feet of snow which covered the ground previous to the thaw which began on the

morning of Wednesday the 4th has completely disappeared. Not a trace of snow or ice are to be

seen in any of the fields or clearings. The ground is just as bare as it was in the month of August.

Death of Mrs. Judson Cross



Sunday 15

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy, foggy and mild, with intermittent rain and drizzle. Moderate rain and light easterly


Min temperature, 38, max temperature, 40.

Church Service

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. in company with Emeline, attended services in the First United Church,

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Attendance in the morning about 70, in the evening about 50. Choir attendance: morning 7,

evening 11.


Monday 16

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and mild with very light variable winds, increasing at night from the northeast. Steady

rain beginning at night.

Min temperature, 38, max temperature, 46.

C.G.S Lady Laurier

Canadian Government Steamer “Lady Laurier” which has been stormbound at this port since

Thursday the 5th sailed in the morning in an attempt to land supplies for the lighthouse and fog

alarm on Guion Island, but returned to port at about 3:30 P.M. being unable to effect a landing

owing to the heavy surf breaking on the shore.

In the late afternoon Emeline and I visited the home and family of the late Mrs. Judson Cross, at


TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (7)


Tuesday 17

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with the sun showing through the clouds, for brief intervals during the forenoon. Cloudy

during the afternoon and evening with some fog, mist and light drizzle of rain in the evening.

Light variable winds.

Min temperature, 36, max temperature, 44.


At 2 P.M. in company with Emeline, attended the funeral service of the late Mrs. Judson Cross

which was held in the First United Church, and was conducted by the Rev. John L. Rose. Burial

took place in Willow Grove Cemetery. Funeral in charge of D.M. Johnston, Funeral Director,


25th Anniversary

At about 3:30 P.M. Emeline and I visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis who today,

were celebrating the 25th anniversary of their marriage, which took place in “The Little Church

Around the Corner” in the city of New York. Quite a number of the Town’s people were present

during the afternoon to offer congratulation and to wish them happiness and prosperity in the

days that lie ahead.

Meeting of the Official Board

At 7:30 P.M. attend a meeting of the official Board of the First United Church which was held at

the Manse, with Rev. John L. Rose presiding,

C.G.S Lady Laurier.

Canadian Government Steamer “Lady Laurier” sailed in the morning.


Wednesday 18

Louisbourg, N.S.

Rain of last night ended before noon and was followed by light showers and drizzle during the

afternoon and night. Moderate to fresh north and northeast winds.

Min temperature, 35, max temperature, 36.

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M. in company with Emeline, attended and conducted choir practice in the First United


North Sydney Beer and Wine Plebiscite

At North Sydney yesterday the plebiscite on the question of the sale of beer and wine by the

glass or open bottle with meals in hotels resulted as follows: against the sale, 1546, for, 686,

majority against.


TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (8)

Thursday 19

Louisbourg, N.S.

Drizzle and mist in the early morning. Cloudy during the day with a few brief sunny intervals,

moderate to light northerly winds, increasing at night.

Min temperature, 36, max temperature, 42.

Meeting of Brotherhood

At 7:30 p.m. attended a regular meeting of the brotherhood of the First United Church which was

held in the Church Hall (Calvin) with Charles Bagnall, the President in the chair. 13 persons


Total Rainfall

Total rainfall since the morning of the 4th until today about 7 inches in all, probably a record for

the month of January.


Friday 20

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny in the forenoon, becoming cloudy at noon. Cloudy in the afternoon and evening. light

northwest wind. A very lovely day.

Min temperature, 31, max temperature, 42.

Down to Freezing Point

This morning the temperature fell to the freezing point for the first time since the night of

January 3rd.


Saturday 21

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with light showers, mist and drizzle intervals throughout the day. Light northerly wind.

Min temperature, 36, max temperature, 39.

Visitors to Louisbourg National Park

In the later afternoon, Canon H. L. Puxley, President of Kings College Halifax, N.S., and Rev.

Dr. Frank Uhlir Ph. D. Professor of Sociology at King’s College were guests of Rev. and Mrs. H.

A. Seegmiller at the Rectory of St. Bartholomew Anglican Church Louisbourg. At the request of

Mrs. Seegmiller, I accompanied the party on a visit to the Louisbourg National and Historic Park

where in the Park Museum I gave a talk on old Louisbourg which appeared to be greatly enjoyed

by the visitors, who were accompanied by Mrs. Seegmiller. On returning to the Rectory at about

5 P.M., we partook of a light lunch served by Mrs. Seegmiller which we greatly enjoyed. Others

present at the Rectory were ex-mayor George D. Lewis, William Lewis, and Lloyd MacKenzie.

Dr. Uhlir was born and educated in Czechoslovakia.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (9)


Sunday 22

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with occasional light mist and drizzle. Light northerly winds.

Min temperature, 36, max temperature, 38.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church,

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Present at 11 A.M. about 100, at 7 P.M. about 60. Choir attendance: morning, 8, evening 11.


Monday 23

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with light variable winds, mostly northeast. Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 38.

Light Frost

Light frost in the morning the second time that the temperature has dropped to the freezing point

since the night of the 3rd.


Tuesday 24

Louisbourg, N.S.

Snow beginning at about 6:30 A.M. was followed by a drizzle of rain at about 9:30 A.M. Snow

beginning at about noon ended at about 1:30 P.M. and was followed by a sunny interval. Cloudy

during the late afternoon and evening. Strong south-east wind, decreasing and shifting to

westerly. Isolated snowfall about 3 inches. Streets are very slushy. Light frost at night.

Min temperature, 28, max temperature, 33.

Death of John H. Skinner

John Hugh Skinner died today at his home after a short illness. He was the second son of the late

D.M. Skinner. Born at Port Hastings 77 years ago and coming to Louisbourg with his parents

about 60 years ago, Mr. Skinner was an employee of Sydney and Louisbourg Railway for about

50, until his retirement about seven years ago. He was married twice. His first wife, the former

Jillian Levatte, predeceased him about 27 years ago, also a daughter Emma. He is survived by

his second wife, the former Mrs. Florence Campbell and two daughters (Laura) Mrs. Edward

Wilcox, Louisbourg, (Hilda), Mrs. Harold Covey, Sydney, and three sons Aubrey from Boston,

Mass., Fredrick and Ernest from Moncton N.B. A stepdaughter (Mae Campbell) Mrs. Donald

William, Halifax, and five brothers Wallace, Glace Bay, Laurence and Edison, Louisbourg,

Everett, Sydney, and George, Vancouver.


TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (10)

Wednesday 25

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with light snow flurries at intervals during the day. Several brief sunny intervals during

the forenoon. Light southwest wind. Snowfall: about 1 inch.

Min temperature, 29, max temperature, 38.

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M. in company with Emeline attended and conducted choir practice in the First United


C.G.S. Lady Laurier

Canadian Government Steamer “Lady Laurier” arrived in the evening.

At about 9 P.M., Emeline and I visited the home of the late John H. Skinner.


Thursday 26

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with a few sunny intervals. Frequent snow flurries. Fresh to strong northerly winds.

Min temperature, 26, max temperature, 32.

C.G.S Lady Laurier

Canadian Government Steamer “Lady Laurier” sailed in the morning.


Friday 27

Louisbourg, N.S.

Mostly sunny and moderately cold with light northwest wind. A very nice winter day.

Min temperature, 18, max temperature, 28.


At 2 P.M., Emeline and I attended the funeral of the late John H. Skinner, which took place from

his late residence to the First United Church and then to [blank] Cemetery where burial took

place. Services at the house, Church, and grave were conducted by Rev. John L. Rose, Pastor of

the First United. Members of Mariners Lodge, A.F., and A.M., of which the late Mr. Skinner was

a member attended in a body. Funeral in charge of D.M. Johnston, Funeral Director, Louisbourg.


Saturday 28

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and moderately cold with light northwest wind. An ideal day followed by a very lovely

moonlight night.

Min temperature, 17, max temperature, 28.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (11)


Sunday 29

Louisbourg, N.S.

Bright and sunny in the early part of the day, becoming cloudy at noon. Snow flurries in the

evening followed by light drizzle of rain. Light northwest wind, shifting to the west southwest in

the forenoon and increasing to strong early in the afternoon and later to gale forces.

Min temperature, 14, max temperature, 34.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church,

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Present in the morning about 100, in the evening about 50. Choir attendance: A.M. 9, P.M. 11.

After church in the evening, Rev. J. L. and Mrs. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stacey, Emeline and I

visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis.


Monday 30

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy, but clearing early in the forenoon, becoming cloudy during the afternoon. Light

northwest wind, drizzles of snow during the night.

Min temperature, 31, max temperature, 38.

Annual Congregational Meeting

At 7:30 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended the regular congregational meeting of the First

United Church, which was held in Calvin hall with the Pastor, Rev. John L. Rose presiding. On

motion of the meeting, I was elected secretary. This is the 31st time in a row that I have been

elected secretary of the First United Church Congregational meetings, 24 of which were annuals,

and 7 specials. About 40 persons present at tonight’s meeting.

C.G.S Edward Cornwallis

Canadian Government Steamer “Edward Cornwallis” arrived in the evening.


Tuesday 31

Louisbourg, N.S.

Drizzle of snow which began at about 10:30 P.M. yesterday, ended shortly before noon today.

Cloudy during the entire day, becoming cold in the late afternoon. Strong northeast wind shifting

to north and northwest. Snowfall: about 5 inches.

Min temperature, 13, max temperature, 31.

Total snowfall during January about 8 inches.

Total rainfall during January at least 7 inches.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (12)

Min temperature during January 6 above zero (Jan.2).

Max temperature during January 48 above zero (Jan. 5).


Wednesday 1

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cold and mostly sunny with light northwest wind. A very lovely winter day.

Min temperature, 7, max temperature, 23.

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M. in company with Emeline, attended and conducted choir practice in the First United


New Organ

A new Hammond Organ was placed in the First United Church today, on trial. We held the first

choir practice with this organ this evening.

C.G.S. Edward Cornwallis

Canadian Government Steamer “Edward Cornwallis” sailed in the morning.


Thursday 2

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cold with variable cloudiness during the afternoon. Light drizzle of snow beginning at

about 7 P.M. Light northwest wind shifting to southerly in the evening.

Min temperature, 10, max temperature, 32.

To Sydney and Return

Left home at 8 A.M. and motored to Sydney with Alex. Burke, the mail driver. Met Don

MacKeen, Commercial Traveler with whom I had an appointment at one of the Isle Royale Hotel

sample rooms. Gave Mr. MacKeen an order for merchandise, before returning on the 12:15 P.M.

trips of the Highland Lines Bus Services.


Friday 3

Louisbourg, N.S.

Variable cloudiness with occasional light snow flurries. Light northwest wind, increasing to

strong in the afternoon. Snowfall of last night: about 3 inches.

Min temperature, 19, max temperature, 34.

Board of Stewards

At 8 P.M., attended a regular meeting of the Board of Stewards of the First United Church which

was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bagnall, 14 members of the board present. Offices

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (13)

re-elected for the ensuring year as follows; Edison Skinner, President, John MacRury, secretary,

Charles Bagnall, assistant secretary.


Saturday 4

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and moderately cold with fresh northwest wind to moderate and light.

Min temperature, 17, max temperature, 26.


Sunday 5

Louisbourg, N.S.

Snow Storm

Light drizzle of snow which began at about 7:30 A.M. by noon had developed into a full scale

snow storm and continued as such until after nightfall. Fresh southerly winds shifting to

northeast. Snowfall about 8 inches.

Min temperature, 22, max temperature, 32.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church.

Rev. John L. Rose was in charge of both services and was the preacher in the evening, while

Rev. Mohan representing the British and Foreign Bible Society in Cape Breton and

Newfoundland, was the special speaker at 11 A.M.

Present in the morning about 95, in the evening 31. Choir attendance: A.M. 15, P.M. 5.

New Organ

The new Hammond Organ which was placed in the church on last Wednesday evening on

approval was used at both services today by the organist, Mrs. M.S. Huntington, and found quite



Monday 6

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cold with moderate to fresh northwest wind decreasing to light in the afternoon. An

ideal winter day.

Min temperature, 10, max temperature, 30.


Tuesday 7

Louisbourg, N.S.

Snow Storm

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (14)

Snow began to fall at about 9:30 A.M.: moderate at first but kept increasing in volume until by

noon it rated heavy, and continued as such during the entire afternoon and into the night. Light

southerly winds, shifting to easterly, and increasing until it reached heavy gale force, early in the

afternoon. Snow piled into huge drifts as a result of the heavy winds. By nightfall all motor

traffic on streets and highways was completely tied up. Evening bus due to leave here for Sydney

at 6:15 was cancelled. Worst storm for many years. Total snowfall about 12 inches.

Min temperature, 10, max temperature, 27.


Wednesday 8

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and moderately cold with moderate to light northerly winds.

Min temperature, 20, max temperature, 27.

All rail and highway traffic off schedule and in many instances at a standstill owing to

yesterday’s snow storm. No trains out, or in to Louisbourg today. Highland Lines Bus due to

leave Sydney at 9:30 A.M. did not get away until about 1:30 P.M. No motor traffic on the

Sydney and Louisbourg highway until after the arrival of the highway snow plough at about 10



Thursday 9

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with light southerly winds, shifting to northwest. Light snow squall followed by light

mist at noon. A sunny interval in the afternoon. Cloudy in the evening.

Min temperature, 22, max temperature, 36.

Traffic on the streets, highways and railways gradually getting back to normal after the heavy

snow storm on Tuesday.

Death of John H. Thomas

The death of John H. Thomas of this town occurred this morning at the Cape Breton Hospital,

Sydney River. Mr. Thomas who was 77 years of age spent the greater part of his life in the Town

of Louisbourg, where he was an employee of the Dominion Coal Company. He is survived by

his wife, one son and two daughters. The son Don J., the daughter Mrs. Fred Burk (Sadie) and

Mary, all at Louisbourg. Another son Robert was accidentally drowned in Holland during the 2nd

world war.

Death of Mrs. William R. Hussey

A news intem in today’s issue of the Sydney Post Record announced the death of Mrs. William

R. Hussey, which took place at her late residence Marion Bridge yesterday morning.

C.G.S Lady Laurier

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (15)

Canadian Government Steamer “Lady Laurier” arrived in the morning.


Friday 10

Louisbourg, N.S.

Remarkably clear with light northwest wind. A perfect mid-winter day.

Min temperature, 17, max temperature, 31.

Motor Vessel Patricia Sweeney

The motor “Patricia Sweeney” which arrived here last evening, this morning began discharging

material for repairing or reconstructing the Old Government Wharf. R.A. Douglas Company

Contractors of New Glasgow, N.S., have been awarded the contract for the job.

C.G.S Lady Laurier

Canadian Government Steamer Lady Laurier sailed in the morning.


Saturday 11

Louisbourg, N.S.

Remarkably clear with very light variable wind. A perfect winter day.

Min temperature, 10, max temperature, 32.


The funeral of the late John H. Thomas took place at 9 A.M. from his late residence on Main

Street to Stella Maris Roman Catholic Church where the funeral service was conducted by Rev.

Father Hugh A. MacDonald. Burial took place in the Roman Catholic Cemetery.


Sunday 12

Louisbourg, N.S.

Variable cloudiness in the early part of the day, cloudy during the afternoon. Light drizzle of

snow in the afternoon, followed by snow storm beginning at about 6 P.M. and light drizzle of

freezing rain at about 10 P.M. Snowfall about 3 inches. Rainfall during the night, about ½ an

inch. Light easterly winds increasing to strong in the evening.

Min temperature, 16, max temperature, 33.

Church Services

At 11 A.M., and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church,

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Present in the morning about 110, in the evening, 39. Choir attendance; A.M. 12, P.M. 10.


TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (16)

Monday 13

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy, foggy and mild with light southwest winds.

Min temperature, 34, max temperature, 36.

Streets very slushy as a result of last night’s rainfall.

Congregational Meeting

A special meeting of the congregation of the First United Church was held in Calvin hall at 7:30

P.M. with Rev. John L. Rose presiding. Meeting called for the purpose of dealing with the matter

of purchasing the Hammond Electric organ which was placed in the Church on the first day of

the month, on approval.


Tuesday 14

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with a few brief sunny intervals, moderate to fresh west and northwest winds.

Min temperature, 30, max temperature, 33.

Bean Supper

Had supper in the Navy League building where a Bean Supper was being served.

C.G.S Lady Laurier

Canadian Government Steamer “Lady Laurier” sailed.

Nova Scotia Legislature Opened

The third session of the 45th general assembly of the Nova Scotia Legislature, opened today at

Halifax, with the speech from the Throne being read by Lieut. Governor Alistair Fraser. Premier

Henry D. Hicks, leads the Government (Federal) and Conservative Leader Robert L. Stanfield

the opposition (Conservative). The C.C.F Party, 2 in number, are led by Michael MacDonald.

The standing of the parties at present are as follows; Liberals 19, Conservatives 13, C.C.F 2.

Two Liberal members died since the 1955 session, and one was promoted to the senate. These

three seats are still vacant. Total number of seats in the Legislature; 37.


Wednesday 15

Louisbourg, N.S.

Variable cloudiness with light northwest wind.

Min temperature, 30, max temperature, 34. A very pleasant winter day.


Thursday 16,

Louisbourg, N.S.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (17)

Snow in the morning ending at about 8:30 A.M. Variable cloudiness during the afternoon with a

few light snow flurries. Light easterly winds shifting to northwest and increasing to strong by

midafternoon, causing the snow to drift; becoming cold. Snowfall about 2 inches.

Min temperature, 18, max temperature, 34.

Brotherhood Banquet

At 6:30 P.M., attended the annual banquet of the Brotherhood of the First United Church which

was held in the Calvin hall with Charles Bagnall presiding. The guest speaker was Freeman

Jenkins of Glace Bay, former President of the U.M.W.A., who was introduced by William

Stewart. Other speakers were: Mayor D.M. Johnston, A.W. Stacey, H.A. Seegmiller, Rector of

St. Bartholomew Anglican Church, William Hilchie who proposed the toast to the Ladies which

was responded to by Mrs. D.J. MacIntyre, President of the MacMillan Club which catered for the

Brotherhood and Rev. John L. Rose Pastor of the First United Church. I moved the vote of

thanks to Mr. Jenkins which was seconded by A.W. Stacey. About 60 men present, besides the

women of the MacMillan Club who served.


At about 9 P.M., a fire was discovered in the selling room of the Crowdis Hotel, which was of

incendiary origin. Mr. Crowdis discovered the fire on his return, after being for about two hours

and quickly extinguished it before much damage resulted.


Friday 17

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with snow flurries and a few sunny intervals with moderate northwest wind decreasing to

light. Snowfall about 1 inch.

Min temperature, 16, max temperature, 18.

World’s Day of Prayer

The Women’s World Day of Prayer service was held in the First United Church at 7:30 P.M.

with the women of the three protestant churches being present and taking part. The service was

led by Mrs. William Hilchie, assisted by Mrs. Seegmiller, Mrs. Charles Lewis and Mrs. A.

Stacey. About 50 persons being present. Choir attendance, 13 (First United Church Choir).


Saturday 18

Louisbourg, N.S.

Remarkably clear, with very light northwest wind. A perfect winter day.

Min temperature, 15, max temperature, 36.


Sunday 19

Louisbourg, N.S.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (18)

Cloudy with very light northwest wind.

Min temperature, 24, max temperature, 33.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church,

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Congregation in the morning about 105, in the evening about 75. Choir attendance: A.M. 13,

P.M. 16.


Monday 20

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy, but clearing early in the forenoon, sunny during the afternoon. A very lovely winter day.

Light to moderate northwest wind. Snow and ice melting in the sunshine. Pavement on Main

Street partly bare.

Min temperature, 16, max temperature, 33.


Tuesday 21

Louisbourg, N.S.

Variable cloudiness but mostly sunny with light northwest wind and falling temperature in the

evening. A very nice winter day.

Min temperature, 11, max temperature, 31.


Wednesday 22

Louisbourg, N.S.

Snow flurries in the early morning, becoming sunny during the forenoon and continuing so

during the afternoon and evening. Strong west south wind, decreasing to moderate, but

increasing again to strong in the late afternoon. Very chilly as a result of the strong wind.

Snowfall of the early morning about 1 inch.

Min temperature, 8, max temperature, 28.

Prayer Meeting and Choir Practice

At 7 P.M. in company with Emeline attended the first of the Lenten mid-week prayer services

which was held in the First United Church and led by the Pastor Rev. John L. Rose. Immediately

after the prayer service, I conducted the regular mid-week choir practice.


Thursday 23

Louisbourg, N.S.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (19)

Mostly sunny with moderate to fresh southwest wind.

Min temperature, 11, max temperature 34.


Friday 24

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cold and mostly cloudy, with moderate to light west – southwest wind.

Min temperature, 6, max temperature, 21.


Saturday 25

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cold with light to moderate southerly winds, increasing to strong in the late afternoon

and evening. Snow began to fall at about 4 P.M., followed by light rain at about 7:30 P.M.

Snowfall about 2 inches. Rainfall about ¼ an inch.

Min temperature, 2, max temperature, 33.


Sunday 26

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny with strong southwest wind, which shifted to west and to northwest during the afternoon.

Snow squalls in the afternoon.

Min temperature, 26, max temperature, 38.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Present at 11 A.M. about 75, at 7 P.M. about 60. Choir attendance, A.M. 10, P.M. 17.


Monday 27

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cold followed by a snow squall lasting about one hour in the forenoon. Sunny during

the afternoon. Snowfall; about 1 inch, light northwest wind, increasing to strong in the afternoon.

Min temperature, 18, max temperature, 32.


Store and dwelling, owned and occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stevens almost totally destroyed

by a fire which broke out at about 1 P.M.


TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (20)

Tuesday 28

Louisbourg, N.S.

Big Snow Storm

Cloudy and cold with snow beginning to fall at about 8:30 A.M. and increasing in volume during

the day and part of the night. Light northeast wind increasing gradually until it reached gale

forces in the evening. Snowfall at least 12 inches, motor traffic at a standstill during the evening

and night as a result of the storm.

Min temperature about, 11, max temperature about, 28.

Went to Sydney

Emeline and I went to Sydney on the Highland Lines Bus leaving here at 1:30 P.M. for the

purpose of attending the Comic Opera “H.M.S. Pinafore” which was to be held in St. Andrews

Hall at 8:15 P.M. and with the invitation of returning on the bus due to leave Sydney at 10:30

P.M. Owing to the severity of the storm, the opera was cancelled, as well as the 10:30 bus for

Louisbourg. We had supper at the Isle Royale Tea Room and got a room in the Hotel, where we

remained for the night.


Wednesday 29

Sydney, N.S.

Sunny with moderate to fresh northwest winds. A very lovely day following the storm of


Min temperature, about 10, max temperature, about 26.

All city, town and municipal snow removal equipment throughout the county and province in

action in an effort to restore traffic back to normal.

No trains in or out of Louisbourg today owing to the heavy snowfall.

No mail from Louisbourg until the arrival of the highway snow plough from Sydney which was

at about noon. Mails due at Louisbourg at about 11 A.M. did not arrive until about 4 P.M.

Emeline and I left for home on the regular bus leaving Sydney at 12:15 P.M. and arrived here at

1:15 P.M.

Prayer Meeting and Choir Practice

At 7 P.M. in company with Emeline attended Prayer Meeting in the First United Church which

was led by Rev. John L. Rose. Immediately after the Prayer service, I conducted the usual mid-

week choir practice.

Total snowfall for February about 45 inches.

Total rainfall for February about ¾ an inch.

Min temperature, 25th, 2 above zero.

Max temperature, 26th, 38 above zero.

MARCH 1956

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (21)

Thursday 1

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cold with light northwest wind. An ideal winter day with a remarkably clear sky.

Min temperature, 3, max temperature, 26.

French Trawler “Cap Nord”

French Fishing Trawler “Cap Nord” arrived in the morning for bunker coal, and docked at the

coal pier.

MARCH 1956

Friday 2 Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny becoming partly cloudy in the late of noon, with light to moderate southwest wind,

becoming strong during the afternoon.

Min temperature, 9, max temperature, 33.

French Trawler “Cap Nord”

French Fishing Trawler “Cap Nord” finished taking on-board bunker coal, and sailed in the

evening for the fishing grounds.

MARCH 1956

Saturday 3

Louisbourg, N.S.

Drizzle of rain and intermittent showers with fresh to strong southerly winds, decreasing to light

during the afternoon. Rainfall about ¼ an inch.

Min temperature, 34, max temperature, 39.

MARCH 1956

Sunday 4

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny becoming cloudy during the afternoon. Light variable winds, snow began to fall,

moderately at about 7 P.M.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Present at the morning service about, 110, at the evening service about 55. Choir attendance,

A.M. 15, P.M. 11.

MARCH 1956

Monday 5

Louisbourg, N.S.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (22)

Snow of last night ended in the early morning, and was followed by variable cloudiness and a

few very light snow flurries. Sunny during the afternoon. Fresh and gusty northwest wind.

Snowfall of last night – 4 ½ inches.

MARCH 1956

Tuesday 6

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and moderately cold, with moderate to fresh northwest wind, decreasing to light in the

late afternoon. An ideal winter day.

Min temperature, 10, max temperature, 17.

MARCH 1956

Wednesday 7

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and chilly with light to moderate northeast wind. Snow began to fall moderately, at 1:30

P.M. ended at about 7 P.M.

Min temperature about 1, max temperature about 24. Snowfall about 3 inches.

Prayer Meeting and Choir Practice

At 7 P.M. in company with Emeline attended the mid-week prayer meeting held in the First

United Church and conducted by Rev. John L. Rose.

Immediately after the close of the prayer service I attended and conducted the usual mid-week

choir practice.

MARCH 1956

Thursday 8

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and chilly with moderate northeast wind shifted to southeast and increased to strong.

Snow began to fall at 2 P.M. and continued until about 6:30 P.M. when it was followed by a light

drizzle of freezing rain.

Min temperature, 12, max temperature, 27. Snowfall; about 4 inches.

Death of Daniel Fiander Jr.

The death of Daniel Fiander Jr. occurred today at the home of his daughter, Glace Bay. Mr.

Fiander who was 96 years of age, was a native of Big Lorraine. For a number of years he resided

with his daughter Mrs. Catherine Eisian at Louisbourg.

Recently he has been for treatment in the Glace Bay General Hospital. After returning from the

hospital he stopped at Glace Bay with his daughter Margaret and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs.

MacDonald where his death took place.

MARCH 1956

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (23)

Friday 9

Louisbourg, N.S.

Drizzle of rain and showers that prevailed during last night ended in the early morning. Mostly

sunny throughout the day with westerly gale which continued during the day and into the night,

thought moderating to some extent in the evening. The gale of last night in the Sydney and

Reserve Airport area was reported to have reached at times, a velocity of 93 miles per hour.

Rainfall of last night: about 3/8 an inch.

Min temperature, 26, max temperature, 40.

S.S. Louisbourg

Dominion Coal Company’s Collier “Louisbourg”, Capt. Williams, arrived in the afternoon for

the purpose of loading a cargo of coal. This the first coal cargo boat to call here this season.

Owing to the heavy wind the S.S. Louisbourg was unable to come alongside the shipping pier, so

was obliged to anchor in the upper harbour to await a favorable opportunity to come to the dock.

Death of Infant Son

The death of Edward Eldon Tanner, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tanner of this town

occurred last night or early today, at the city Hospital, Sydney. This child was 1 month and 28

days old.

MARCH 1956

Saturday 10

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cold with fresh northwest wind. A real winter day.

Min temperature, 12, max temperature, 19.

S.S. Louisbourg

Dominion Coal Company’s Collier “Louisbourg” Capt. Williams which arrived here yesterday,

docked at the coal shipping pier this morning.

S.S. Empire John

Dominion Coal Company’s Tug Empier John Capt. Cobbman, arrived here this morning from



The funeral of the late Daniel F. Fiander took place at 2 P.M.

MARCH 1956

Sunday 11

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cold with moderate to fresh northwest wind.

Min temperature, 8, max temperature, 32.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (24)

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Present at the morning service, about 110, at the evening service, about 60. Choir attendance, 13

at each service.


The funeral of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tanner took place this afternoon from

their home on Pepperell Street to Willow Grove cemetery where burial took place. Services at

the house and grave were conducted by Rev. John L. Rose, Pastor of the First United Church.

Visitors from Huntington and Marion Bridge

At about noon there arrived from Marion Bridge Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hussey and daughter

Diana. With them were Mrs. Clifford Huntington (my sister) and Miss Elsie Martell, of

Huntington. They spent the afternoon with us leaving for home at about 5:45 P.M. Miss Elsie

Martell whose home is at Mira Gut is spending the winter with Mrs. Clifford.

MARCH 1956

Monday 12

Louisbourg, N.S.

Showers in the early morning ending at about 8 A.M. Cloudy, clearing shortly before noon,

mostly shifting to northwest and decreasing. Rainfall about ¼ an inch.

Min temperature, 26, max temperature, 42.

To Sydney and Return

In the evening, Don. F. Nicholson, Emeline and I motored to Sydney with Mr. and Mrs. Charles


MARCH 1956

Tuesday 13

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and moderately cold with light to moderate variable winds, mostly easterly during the

afternoon and evening becoming cloudy at night. A very nice late winter day.

Min temperature, 16, max temperature, 30.

MARCH 1956

Wednesday 14

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and chilly with light to moderate easterly winds increasing during the evening and night.

Snow began to fall at 4:30 P.M. and at 10:30 was still continuing with wind increasing.

Min temperature, 7, max temperature, 34.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (25)

Prayer Meeting and Choir Practice

At 7 P.M. in company with Emeline attended Prayer Meeting in the First United Church which

was led by Rev. John L. Rose. Immediately following the prayer service I attended and

conducted the usual mid-week choir practice.

MARCH 1956

Thursday 15

Louisbourg, N.S.

Snow of last night was followed by rain showers in the early morning and after the rain snow

flurries accompanied by northerly winds reaching gale force, which drifted the snow into banks

which seriously interfered with highway traffic. Snowfall of last night and this morning: about 8


Min temperature, 12, max temperature, 32.

Highway snow plough arrived in the forenoon and opened up Main Street for motor traffic.

S.S. Louisbourg

Dominion Coal Company’s Collier “Louisbourg” Capt. Williams sailed in the forenoon for

Halifax, N.S. with a cargo of about 10,000 tons of coal.

Meeting of Brotherhood

At 7:30 P.M. attended a regular meeting of the First United Church Brotherhood, in Calvin Hall

with Charles Bagnall presiding. Thirteen persons present.

MARCH 1956

Friday 16

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cold with light to moderate northwest wind. A real winter day.

Min temperature, 5, max temperature, 24.

MARCH 1956

Saturday 17

Louisbourg, N.S.

Big Snow Storm

Snow Storm which began at about 3 A.M. ended at about 7 P.M. after leaving behind huge drifts

which tied up street, highway and rail traffic all over the Province. Estimated snowfall for the

Louisbourg area: 15 inches.

Min temperature, 13, max temperature, 22.

Mail truck which left here for Sydney on its regular run this morning due back here at about 11

A.M. did not return. No mail for Louisbourg today.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (26)

Highland Lines Bud left here at 9:30 A.M. and due here at 1 P.M. did not return.

MARCH 1956

Sunday 18

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cold with light northerly winds. A very lovely winter day.

Min temperature, 10, max temperature, 32.

Huge snow drifts all over the Province as a result of yesterday’s storm. Efforts being made

throughout the whole Province to open for traffic, streets, highways and railways which were

closed to normal traffic owing to the heavy snowfall.

Highway plough opened for traffic the road between Sydney and Louisbourg early in the day.

Mail truck which left for Sydney yesterday morning did not arrive here until about 8:30 A.M.


Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Present in the morning 44, in the evening 48. Choir attendance, A.M. 6, P.M. 13.

According to radio and press reports the snowfall for the Sydney area was 16 ½ inches on the

velocity of the wind 43 miles per hour. Yarmouth is reported to have had a snowfall of 19 inches.

Steamer Fergus

Steamer Fergus enroute to Prince Edward Island arrived here in the morning and docked at the

Freight Wharf.

MARCH 1956

Monday 19

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cool becoming cloudy during the afternoon. A very nice late winter day. Light

variable winds, mostly easterly.

Min temperature, 3, max temperature, 32.

Open for Motor Traffic

Most all of our streets are now open for motor traffic. Main and Waffle Streets being opened by

the highway plough, early yesterday and the others, since that time by the local plough owned by

councillor Donald Beaver of this town.

MARCH 1956

Tuesday 20

Louisbourg, N.S.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (27)

Snow beginning in the early morning, ended about 9 A.M. Cloudy and chilly during the day with

moderate to fresh northeast wind. Snowfall: about 6 inches.

Min temperature, 20, max temperature, 31.

Drift Ice

The first drift ice to enter Louisbourg harbour this season arrived here shortly this afternoon.

Before night the western half of the harbour was full of ice.

Steamer Fergus

Steamer Fergus, which arrived here on last Sunday morning enroute to Prince Edward Island

sailed this afternoon.

MARCH 1956

Wednesday 21

Louisbourg, N.S.

Remarkably clear with light to moderate northeast wind. A typical winter day, although

according to the calendar it is said to be the first day of spring.

Min temperature, 18, max temperature, 33.

Drift Ice

A small quantity of drift in the western end of the harbour, and some in sight a short distance off

the coast.

Prayer Meeting and Choir Practice

At 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended Prayer Meeting in the First United Church, which

was led by the pastor Rev. John L. Rose. The regular mid-week choir practice followed

immediately after the prayer service.

MARCH 1956

Thursday 22

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and chilly with moderate to fresh northeast wind. Snow began to fall at about 4:30 P.M.

Min temperature, 19, max temperature, 36.

Ham Supper. Fancy Sale

At about 5 P.M. in company with Emeline attended Ham Supper and Fancy sale served by the

ladies of the McMillan Club of the First United Church in Calvin Hall.

French Trawler Cap Nord

French Fishing Trawler “Cap Nord” arrived in the afternoon from the fishing grounds for bunker

coal and other supplies.

MARCH 1956

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (28)

Friday 23

Louisbourg, N.S.

Snow storm of last night ended in the early morning and was followed by a cloudy day with light

variable winds, mostly northerly. Snowfall of last night about 5 inches.

Min temperature, 30, max temperature, 38.

A small quantity of loose drift-ice in the harbour.

MARCH 1956

Saturday 24

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny, becoming cloudy in the afternoon. Snow began to fall moderately at about 8 P.M., and at

a later hour was still snowing. Light to moderate westerly winds, shifting to southwest during the

afternoon and to easterly at night.

Min temperature, 23, max temperature, 34.

MARCH 1956

Sunday 25

Louisbourg, N.S.

Snow storm which began at about 8 P.M. yesterday ended at about 4 P.M. today. Fresh northeast

wind, shifting to north in the late afternoon. Clearing at night. Snowfall: about 8 inches.

Min temperature, 13, max temperature, 28.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church,

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Present at the morning service; 38, at the evening service; 39. Choir attendance; A.M. 8, P.M. 11.

MARCH 1956

Monday 26

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cold and mostly sunny with light to moderate westerly winds. A real winter day.

Min temperature, 3, max temperature, 33.

MARCH 1956

Tuesday 27

Louisbourg, N.S.

Variable cloudiness with light to moderate northwest winds.

Min temperature, 18, max temperature, 38.

British Steamer Marina Hill

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (29)

British Steamer “Marina Hill” arrived in the forenoon for a cargo of coal and anchored in the

west end of the harbour. In the late afternoon she docked on the east side of the coal pier. This

ship is in command of Capt. Burchell.

Petite Bras D’Or

Motor vessel “Petite Bras D’Or” loaded a cargo of coal for St. Pierre.

MARCH 1956

Wednesday 28

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cold and mostly sunny with moderate northwest wind.

Min temperature, 12, max temperature, 29.

Prayer Meeting Choir Practice

At 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended Prayer Meeting in the First United Church which

was led by Rev. John L. Rose.

Immediately after the Prayer service I conducted the usual mid-week choir practice.

MARCH 1956

Thursday 29

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cold with fresh to strong northwest wind decreasing in the evening.

Min temperature, 14, max temperature, 31.

Prayer Service

At 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended Prayer service in the church hall (Calvin) which

was conducted by Rev. John L. Rose. About 40 persons present.

Picture Show

Immediately after the Prayer service, picture slides in connection with the life of Christ, previous

and after his trial and crucifiction were shown to those present, by Rev. Mr. Rose and Charles


MARCH 1956

Friday 30

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny, becoming shortly afternoon with light northwest wind, shifting to southwest and to east

in the evening. Snow began to fall at about 7:30 P.M., with the wind increasing to fresh.

Min temperature, 16, max temperature, 38.

Church Service

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (30)

At 7:30 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended service in the First United Church, where Rev.

John L. Rose was the preacher. About [blank] persons present at this service. Choir attendance,


MARCH 1956

Saturday 31

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with sunny intervals during the afternoon. Light northwest wind shifting to southwest

and increasing to strong. Snow of last night was followed by a drizzle of freezing rain, which

resulted in all out-of-doors being covered with a coating of ice in the morning which disappeared

during the forenoon. Snowfall of last night: about 3 inches.

Min temperature, 28, max temperature, 38.

APRIL 1956

Sunday 1

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny with variable cloudiness during the afternoon. Clearing at night. Light northwest wind.

Min temperature, 30, max temperature, 39. A very lovely early spring day.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Present at the morning service about 140, at the evening service about 95. The sacrament of

Lord’s Supper was dispensed at the morning service. The following persons were received in the

church on profession of faith during the 11 A.M. service: Mr. and Mrs. Michael Holland, Mrs.

Archie MacVicar and Miss Gloria MacVicar.

APRIL 1956

Monday 2

Louisbourg, N.S.

Variable cloudiness with moderate northwest wind.

Min temperature, 26, max temperature, 39.

Marriage at Sydney

Miss Jane Huntington, my niece, was Bridesmaid for Miss Marjorie Lane, on the occasion of her

marriage, at 7 P.M., to Mr. Doucette MacDonald, both of Sydney. The marriage took place in St.

Andrews United Church. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Stanley G. MacQueen, Pastor of

St. Andrews assisted by the Uncle of the groom, Rev. Nelson MacDonald.

APRIL 1956

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (31)

Tuesday 3

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny with cloudy periods in the afternoon and evening. Light northwest in the early part of the

day, shifting to southwest and increasing to moderate. Snow began to fall at about 8:30 P.M.

Min temperature, 18, max temperature, 37.

S.S. Marina Hill

British Steamer Marine Hill Capt. Burchell sailed for Europe at about 8 A.M. with a cargo of

about 10,000 tons of coal.

S.S. Curling

Sealing Steamer, “Curling” arrived and docked at the Old Government Wharf.

Death of Wesley Tanner

The death of Wesley Tanner occurred at a late hour tonight following a short illness.

APRIL 1956

Wednesday 4

Louisbourg, N.S.

Variable cloudiness with light winds. Cloudy in the late afternoon and evening. Snowfall of least

night: 1 ½ inches.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 40.

Prayer Meeting

At 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended the midweek prayer meeting held in the First

United Church, and led by Rev. John L. Rose.

APRIL 1956

Thursday 5

Louisbourg, N.S.

Showers and drizzle of rain, lasting all day. Light south and southeast wind with some fog.

Rainfall about 1/8 and inch.

Min temperature, 33, max temperature, 36.

Joint Meeting of Brotherhoods

At 7:30 P.M. attended a Joint Meeting of Brotherhood of the First United Church and the Men’s

Club of St. Bartholomew Anglican Church which was held in the United Church Hall (Calvin).

After a short devotional service games were played and a lunch served. About 28 persons


APRIL 1956

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (32)

Friday 6

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny during the forenoon, mostly in the afternoon and evening. Light to moderate westerly

winds, shifting to northerly.

Min temperature, 28, max temperature, 44.


At 1:45 P.M., with George Lewis, attended the funeral of the late Wesley S. Tanner which took

place from D.M. Johnston Funeral Parlor to St. Bartholomew Anglican Church. Services at the

parlor, church and grave, were conducted by Rev. H. A. Seegmiller, Rector of St. Bartholomew.

Burial took place in the Anglican cemetery. The pallbearers were; George D. Lewis, James H.

Crowdis, John R. D. Freise, James Suffidy, Howard MacPhail, and M. S. Huntington. Funeral in

charge of D.M. Johnston Funeral Director, Louisbourg.

APRIL 1956

Saturday 7

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny with variable cloudiness during the afternoon. Light to moderate northwest wind.

Min temperature, 22, max temperature, 37.

Spring Birds Arrive

Notwithstanding the fact that weather has been anything but spring-like up to the present time,

the spring birds have begun to make their appearance. This evening I saw in our backyard two

Fox Sparrows, one Bronze Grackle and one Song Sparrow.

Wilfred Covey, lighthouse keeper at Lighthouse Point, reported seeing today, a flock of Robins

at the Point.

The Fox Sparrows are transients that usually remain for about three weeks, before continuing on

their northward journey. I have known them to arrive as early as the first of the month, and

remain as late as the 30th. I feed them every spring, until their departure. They are splendid

singers and amply repay me with their songs.

APRIL 1956

Sunday 8

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny becoming cloudy at noon, moderate northerly winds.

Min temperature, 28, max temperature, 42.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., accompanied by Emeline, I attended services in the First United Church

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Present at the morning service, about 105, at the evening service, about 45. Choir attendance,

A.M. 9, P.M. 6.

APRIL 1956

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (33)

Monday 9

Louisbourg, N.S.

Light rain of last night was followed by a light snow flurry, less than ½ an inch. Cloudy during

the day with light mist at times. Snow began to fall at about 7 P.M. Moderate to fresh northeast

wind increasing to strong during the early part of the night.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 37.

APRIL 1956

Tuesday, 10

Louisbourg, N.S.

Snow storm of last night was followed by drizzles of snow and light rain, which lasted all day

and late into the night. Fresh to strong northeast wind. Snowfall of last night: about 3 inches. A

very disagreeable day as far as weather was concerned.

Min temperature, 34, max temperature, 35.

APRIL 1956

Wednesday 11

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and chilly, with sunny intervals during the afternoon. Moderate to fresh northerly wind.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 37.

French Trawler Cap Nord

French Fishing Trawler “Cap Nord” arrived from the fishing banks last night or early this

morning for bunker coal and other supplies.

Choir Practice Prayer Meeting

At 8 P.M., Emeline and I attended choir practice in the First United Church. Emeline attended

the prayer meeting which was held an hour earlier, but I was unable to be present.

APRIL 1956

Thursday 12

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with moderate northerly winds. Sunny intervals during the afternoon. Light mist and

light snow flurries in the early part of the night.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 37.

APRIL 1956

Friday 13

Louisbourg, N.S.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (34)

Cloudy with variable cloudiness during the afternoon. Moderate northeast wind.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 39.

APRIL 1956

Saturday 14

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with fresh northwest wind.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 44.

Washing and Painting

On last Monday I engaged Mr. Marcel Hacala to wash and paint the interior of my shop. He

began wash at 1 P.M. on the 9th and finished this afternoon. He washed and painted the ceiling,

the walls and windows in the front part of the shop and some of the shelves.

He proved to be a very good washman and did a very good job, for which I paid him $1.50 per

hour, at total of $84.00. His home is at Reserve Mines, Glace Bay.

APRIL 1956

Sunday 15

Louisbourg, N.S.

Remarkably clear with light northwest wind. A very lovely spring day. Snow rapidly


Min temperature, 28, max temperature, 51.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church

where at 11 A.M. Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher. The Women’s Missionary Society Thank

Offering service was held at 7 P.M. with guest speaker Rev. J. W. Obrien. Mr. Obrien spoke on

Bermuda where he had lived as a young minister about 50 years ago. He returned to Bermuda in

the autumn of 1954 and remained for about one year.

Present in the morning, about 110, in the evening, about 70. Choir attendance, A.M. 10, P.M. 14.

APRIL 1956

Monday 16

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with light variable winds, mostly southerly. Light showers and light drizzle of rain,

beginning at about 1:30 P.M. and continuing during the rest of the day.

Min temperature, 28, max temperature, 47.

Death of Moses Ballah

Today’s issue of the Sydney Post Record recorded the death of Moses J. Ballah, which took

place on last Saturday at Guelph, Ontario following a major operation. Mr. Ballah was born at

North Sydney, but came to Louisbourg with his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ballah,

early in life. For a number of years he operated a mercantile business at Louisbourg, before

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (35)

removing to Sydney. About a year ago he went to Guelph Ontario, where his death took place.

He was 65 years of age. Besides his wife the former Miss Mary O’Keefe of Louisbourg, he is

survived by four sons and three daughters.

APRIL 1956

Tuesday 17

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and foggy with light drizzle of rain and showers in the morning. Light southerly winds.

Rainfall of yesterday and last night 1/8 an inch.

Min temperature, 36, max temperature, 46.

Died at Sea

The body of the late Cecil Smith of Rockland Maine, U.S.A., arrived here at about 9 P.M. on

board the Fishing Dragger “M.G.U” Capt. Arron Mills. Mr. Smith died at sea on board the

Dragger from natural causes it is said. The remains were forwarded to his home in the U.S.A.

APRIL 1956

Wednesday 18

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy, followed by variable cloudiness and sunny intervals. Light southerly winds.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 54.

Prayer Meeting and Choir Practice

At 7 P.M., Emeline and I attended Prayer Meeting held in the First United Church, and

conducted by Rev John L. Rose. Immediately after Prayer Services, I conducted choir practice.

Death of John Dillon

Today, I learned from Mrs. Alex Bates, that John Dillon, a former resident of Louisbourg, had

passed away at his home in Vancouver, B.C., during the past winter. His age would be in the late

70’s. He is survived by his wife, the former Lillian Peach of Louisbourg. Mr. and Mrs. Dillon

removed to the Canadian West, I would say about 40 years ago. He is also survived by at least

one daughter.

Death of John Crier

The death of John Crier, took place this morning at his home at west Louisbourg, after and

illness of about two years.

APRIL 1956

Thursday 19

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny during the early part of the day, and becoming cloudy in the late forenoon. Light showers

and drizzle of rain and fog, beginning at about 1 P.M. and continuing during the afternoon to

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (36)

evening. Moderate to fresh southeast wind decreasing at night. Rainfall about ¼ an inch.

Min temperature, 30, max temperature, 52.

APRIL 1956

Friday 20

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with sunny intervals during the afternoon, and foggy at night. Light to moderate

southerly winds.

Min temperature, 35, max temperature, 48.

APRIL 1956

Saturday 21

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cold. Rain beginning early in the day ended shortly after noon. Rainfall about ½ an

inch. Fresh southeast wind shifted to southwest during the afternoon and increasing to heavy gal

force. Moderate to some extent in the evening, with the wind shifting to west.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 38.

APRIL 1956

Sunday 22

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cool, with fresh southwest wind and some fog. Snow flurried begging at about 6

P.M. Snow melting as it falls.

Min temperature, 33, max temperature, 44.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church

where Rev. John L. Rose was in charge of both services, and the preacher at the morning service.

At 7 P.M., the address was given by Mr. Allan Johnston, the First United Church student

minister, who is now visiting his parents after spending the winter pursuing his studies at Pine

Hill College, Halifax, N.S.

At the morning service about 90 present, in the evening about 40. Choir attendance: A.M. 10,

P.M. 10. I did not join in the service of song today owing to having a cold, but sat in the body of

the church during both services.


At about 9:20 A.M., the fire brigade was called for a fire at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert

Wilcox. Damage: slight.

APRIL 1956

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (37)

Monday 23

Louisbourg, N.S.

Partly clear during the early part of the day, becoming cloudy shortly before noon. Rain began to

fall in the afternoon and continued into the night. Moderate to fresh southerly winds.

Min temperature, 35, max temperature 46.

Drowned at Sea

The remains of the late Albert Reno aged 52 of North Sydney arrived here today.

APRIL 1956

Tuesday 24

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cool with westerly gale decreasing to moderate in the late afternoon. Rainfall of last

night: about, ½ an inch.

Min temperature, 36, max temperature, 51.

Drowned at Sea

The remains of the late Albert Reno, arrived here at about noon today on board the Fishing

Dragger “Conquest”. Mr. Reno whose age is given at 52 was a crew member of the dragger

“Conquest”. He was washed overboard early today while engaged at his duties on board the


APRIL 1956

Wednesday 25

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cool, with showers and drizzles of rain during the afternoon. Moderate southwest

wind shifting to northerly in the late afternoon.

Min temperature, 34, max temperature, 46.

Choir Practice and Prayer Meeting

At 7 P.M., Emeline and I attended Prayer Meeting in the First United Church, which was led by

Rev. John L. Rose.

Immediately after the Prayer Service, I conducted the usual midweek choir practice.

APRIL 1956

Thursday 26

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and chilly with fresh to strong southwest wind.

Min temperature, 28, max temperature, 45.

APRIL 1956

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (38)

Friday 27

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and chilly with moderate to fresh southerly and easterly winds. Light drizzle of snow

beginning at about 10 A.M. and melting as it fell. Snow was followed by a light drizzle of rain.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 42.

APRIL 1956

Saturday 28

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and chilly with moderate to fresh southerly winds. Light drizzle of snow and light rain

beginning in the afternoon.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 39.

Daylight Saving Time

In common with the majority of cities, towns and rural communities throughout the Province of

Nova Scotia, Daylight Saving Time goes into effect immediately after midnight tonight.

APRIL 1956

Sunday 29

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and chilly becoming mostly sunny in the late afternoon. Light to moderate northeast


Min temperature, 34, max temperature, 46.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Present in the morning about 90, in the evening about 50. Choir attendance: A.M. 13, P.M. 13.

Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving Time went into effect in the town of Louisbourg as well as many other

communities throughout the Province immediately after 12 o’clock midnight, last night.

APRIL 1956

Monday 30

Louisbourg, N.S.

Light drizzle of freezing rain in the morning, ending at about 8 A.M. Chilly with light to

moderate northerly winds.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 43.

MAY 1956

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (39)

Tuesday 1

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cool with moderate to fresh northwest wind. A very lovely day, but rather cool for


Min temperature, 30, max temperature, 47.

MAY 1956

Wednesday 2

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cool with moderate northwest wind, which shifted to southwest during the afternoon.

Min temperature, 28, max temperature, 52.

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M., in company with Emeline attended and conducted choir practice in the First United


MAY 1956

Thursday 3

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cool with variable cloudiness. Moderate southwest wind. Rain began to fall at about 7:30 P.M.

Min temperature, 25, max temperature, 47.

Meeting of Brotherhood

At 7:30 P.M. attended a regular meeting of the Brotherhood of the First United Church held in

Calvin Hall with the President Charles Bagnall in the chair.

10 persons present. Mr. Jackson and I were the caterers for tonight. Mr. Jackson was unable to be

present, so I carried on in his absence.

MAY 1956

Friday 4

Variable cloudiness with light to moderate northwest wind. Rainfall of last night about ½ an

inch. Most spring-like day so far this season.

Min temperature, 38, max temperature, 56.

Reconstruction of Wharf

The work of reconstructing the Old Government Wharf was started today, with the driving of

two or three piles. Preparatory work has been in progress for about four or five weeks, consisting

of the removal of part of the old wharf. The firm of R. A. Douglas Contractors of New Glasgow

have been awarded the contract.

MAY 1956

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (40)

Saturday 5

Louisbourg, N.S.

Snow flurries beginning at about at 8 A.M. and ending at about 10 A.M. Snow about 3 inches.

Cloudy with variable cloudiness during the afternoon. Moderate to fresh northeast wind, shifting

to the north.

Min temperature, 33, max temperature, 41.

MAY 1956

Sunday 6

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with light to moderate westerly and northerly winds and a few very light showers in the


Min temperature, 30, max temperature, 56.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Present in the morning about 115, in the evening about 55.

MAY 1956

Monday 7

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cool with moderate northwest winds shifting to southwest, and later to southeast.

Min temperature, 30, max temperature, 50.

May 1956

Tuesday 8

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny becoming cloudy at about noon. Snow flurries began at about 2:30 P.M. and at a later

hour a drizzle of snow was still falling. Snowfall: about 2 inches. Light to moderate southerly


Min temperature, 25, max temperature, 46.

Women’s Missionary Society

A regular meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society of the First United Church was held at

our home this evening, with the President, Mrs. William Hilchie in the chair.

MAY 1956

Wednesday 9

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cool with moderate fresh northwest wind shifting to southwest in the late afternoon.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (41)

Snowfall of yesterday all disappeared early in the day.

Min temperature, 24, max temperature, 50.

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M., in company with Emeline attended and conducted choir practice in the First United


MAY 1956

Thursday 10

Louisbourg, N.S.

Rain beginning at about 7 A.M. ended at about 7 P.M.; cleared during the early part of the night.

Fresh southerly winds shifting to northerly at about 9:30 P.M. Rainfall: about 1 inch.

Min temperature, 38, max temperature, 44.

MAY 1956

Friday 11

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cool with moderate variable winds. Remarkably clear. A very lovely day but rather cool.

Min temperature, 31, max temperature, 46.

MAY 1956

Saturday 12

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cool with light showers and drizzle beginning at about 2 P.M. Fresh to strong

southwest wind; foggy at night.

Min temperature, 33, max temperature, 49.

Death of Charles Phillips

Today’s issue of the Sydney Post Record announced the death at the General Hospital Glace

Bay, of Charles Phillips, of 79 Catherine Street Glace Bay, which occurred last evening after a

long illness. Mr. Phillips, who was 60 years of age, is survived by his wife, 4 sons and 3

daughters (see Post Record May 12, 1956).

During the second world ward (1939-1945) Mr. Phillips and his wife were residents of

Louisbourg for several years. During his stay at Louisbourg he was an employee of the L. H.

Cann machine shop. He was a native of Glace Bay, N.S.

MAY 1956

Sunday 13

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and foggy with light drizzle of rain and mist. Light southwest wind.

Min temperature, 40, max temperature, 46.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (42)

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher. Today being Mother’s Day the Junior Choir of the

Sunday school had charge of the service of song with Miss Jane Huntington, at the organ. The 11

A.M. service was well attended with a good number of the Sunday school parents and teachers

present. During the services certificates were presented to a number of the Sunday school pupils

by the superintendent, Edward Levy. The regular Mother’s Day service held in the evening, with

the regular choir in charge of the music.

A total attendance in the evening of about 55. Choir attendance: 9.

MAY 1956

Monday 14

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cold with moderate to fresh easterly wind, with some mist and fog and an occasional

light drizzle of rain.

Min temperature, 36, max temperature, 42.

Turkey Supper

At 6:30 P.M., attended a complementary Turkey Supper in Calvin Hall, given by the Ladies of

the MacMillan Club of the First United Church in recognition of the services rendered by the

men of the congregation building a kitchen attached to Calvin Hall, for the use of the ladies of

the congregation in serving at various functions held in the hall in connection with the First

United Church. 29 men present of those who gave volunteer labour and in other ways

contributed the cost of the structure.

MAY 1956

Tuesday 15

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cool with very light southwest wind. Foggy and misty, clearing in the evening, and

wind changing to northwest. Total rainfall since last Saturday, inclusive about ¼ an inch.

Min temperature, 36, max temperature, 53.

Lobster Fishing Opens

The 1956 Lobster Fishing Season for this part of Cape Breton coast opened at 9 today.

MAY 1956

Wednesday 16

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with some fog, and moderate to fresh southwest wind. Rain during the night beginning at

about 5:30 P.M. Sunny in the morning becoming cloudy before noon, with heavy rain during the

night accompanied by thunder and lightning beginning at about 11:30 P.M.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 52.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (43)

MAY 1956

Thursday 17

Louisbourg, N.S.


MAY 1956

Friday 18

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny with light to moderate variable winds, most southwest. A very lovely spring day.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 54.

Lobster Supper. Fancy Sale

At about 5 P.M., in company with Emeline attended a Lobster Supper and fancy sale held in

Calvin Hall under the Auspice of the local lodge of the order of the Eastern Star.

MAY 1956

Saturday 19

Louisbourg, N.S.

Heavy rain of last night ended in the morning. Cloudy during the forenoon, clearing during the

afternoon; followed by a very lovely evening. Rainfall of last night: 2 1/8 inches.

Min temperature, 42, max temperature, 52.

Lobster Supper

The Annual Lobster Supper which celebrated the closing of the Brotherhood meetings for the

summer season was held in Calvin Hall at 8:30 P.M. 23 persons present including the wives of

the members who were guests for the evening. Emeline and I were both present. The

Brotherhood of the First United Church will likely resume its meetings sometime in October


Sunny with light variable winds, mostly southwest. Cloudy in the late afternoon and evening,

with some fog at night. Light rain began to fall at about 10 P.M.

Min temperature, 38, max temperature, 54.

Birthday Party

At about 7:30 P.M., a group of our citizens called on Mr. Hugh Lynk, who today is celebrating

his 73rd birthday. We presented him with an address, a floor lamp, and an occasional chair. I read

the address while Rev. Hugh A. MacDonald, Parish Priest, made the presentation. Mrs. Lynk

was presented with a bouquet of roses.

MAY 1956

Sunday 20

Louisbourg, N.S.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (44)

Cloudy with considerable fog with a partly clear period at about noon. Light to moderate

southwest wind.

Min temperature, 39, max temperature, 48.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., Emeline and I attended services in the First United Church where Rev.

John L. Rose was the preacher. The Girl Guides and Brownies paraded to church in the morning.

Present in the morning: about 110, present in the evening: 47. Choir attendance: A.M. 10, P.M.


MAY 1956

Monday 21

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny with light to moderate southwest winds. A very lovely springs day but a little on the cold

side. Light frost in the morning on the gross and roads.

Min temperature, 31, max temperature, 52.

General Holiday

Schools, banks and most public offices closed as well as nearly all places of business. Post office

on holiday hours: 11 A.M. to 12 P.M. No outgoing or incoming mail in the evening. Had shop

open for business as usual mostly for the accommodation of newspaper customers. Sydney Post

Record and Halifax Chronicle Herald published as usual.

MAY 1956

Tuesday 22

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cool with moderate to strong southwest winds. Becoming cloudy in the late afternoon

with some fog.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 52.

Minesweeper Arrives

Canadian Minesweeper “Resolute” no. 154.

MAY 1956

Wednesday 23

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with a few brief sunny intervals. Moderate to fresh southwest wind.

Min temperature, 40, max temperature, 56.

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M., in company with Emeline attended and conducted choir practice in the First United


TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (45)

MAY 1956

Thursday 24

Louisbourg, N.S.

Rain which began in the early morning ended before noon. Cloudy during the afternoon, partly

clearing in the evening. Southwest winds shifting to northerly in the forenoon and increasing to

strong. Rainfall: 5/8 an inch.

Min temperature, 34, max temperature, 48.

Death or Charles Wilcox

The death of Charles Wilcox of this town occurred in the City Hospital this morning after a brief


Death of Enoch Townsend


MAY 1956

Friday 25

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cool with moderate northwest winds. Frost in the morning.

Min temperature, 28, max temperature, 52.

Minesweeper Resolute

Canadian minesweeper “Resolute” no. 154 which arrived here on last Tuesday evening sailed in

the forenoon. At about 8:30 A.M., she took a group of the Louisbourg Sea Cadets for a sail off

the harbour. On returning and landing the Cadets, she sailed immediately, said to have been for


Mrs. Clifford Huntington Arrives

Mrs. Clifford Huntington (my sister) arrived on the 1 P.M. bus from Sydney for a few days with

us. She was accompanied by Jane Huntington (my niece) who is a grade 12 student at Sydney

Academy, and who came to spend her usual weekend at home.

MAY 1956

Saturday 26

Louisbourg, N.S.

Mostly sunny with moderate southwest winds. Frost in the morning.

Min temperature, 31, max temperature, 56.


The funeral of the late Charles Wilcox took place from Sydney where his death occurred on last

Thursday to St. Bartholomew Anglican Church at Louisbourg at 2 P.M. Services at the church

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (46)

and grave were conducted by Rev. H. A. Seegmiller Pastor of St. Bartholomew. Funeral in

charge of Fillmore’s Funeral Parlor, Sydney. Burial took place in the Anglican cemetery, Big

Lorraine. Was present at the service in the church.

May 1956

Sunday 27

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny with light to moderate southwest winds. A very lovely day.

Min temperature, 36, max temperature, 54.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Present in the morning about, 110, in the evening about 37. Choir attendance: A.M. 14, P.M. 8.


At 1:30 P.M. Emeline and I attended the funeral of the late Enoch Townsend which took place

from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Townsend on Warren Street, to the First United Church,

services at the house and church were in charge by John L. Rose Pastor of the First United

Church. At the church the address was delivered by [blank].

MAY 1956

Monday 28

Louisbourg, N.S.

Rain beginning at about 6:30 A.M. ended during the afternoon. Foggy in the afternoon and

evening. Light southerly winds, increasing until they reached gale force shortly before noon.

Wind moderated to light in the afternoon and to calm in the evening with a few light showers.

Min temperature, 36, max temperature, 44.

MAY 1956

Tuesday 29

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and chilly with light drizzle of rain and mist, clearing in the late afternoon.

Min temperature, 40, max temperature, 51. Rainfall of yesterday and drizzle of last night to

today: ¾ an inch.

Women’s Institute Convention

A convention of various units of the Women’s Institute in this district was held in the Navy Hut,

at Louisbourg today under the presidency of Mrs. [blank] Ferguson of Holmeville. Emeline and I

were on the invitation of Mrs. Coughlan, President of the Louisbourg branch of the Institute. We

had lunch with the delegates at 12:30 P.M. As previously arranged I was the guest speaker. My

subject was the “Rise and Fall” of Louisbourg. In an hour talk I gave an outline of some of the

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (47)

highlights of some of the events that take place in communities with the early history of the Old


MAY 1956

Wednesday 30

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny with moderate southwest wind.

Min temperature, 36, max temperature, 53.

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M. Emeline and I attended choir practice in the First United Church.

MAY 1956

Thursday 31

Cloudy and foggy with light southerly winds. A few very light showers of rain.

Min temperature, 43, max temperature, 55.

To Sydney and Return

Motored to Sydney at 8 A.M. with Alex Burke in the mail truck. Met G.H. Kelly, representative

of T.S. Patillo & Co. Ltd of Truro, N.S. with whom I made an appointment at 9 A.M. I gave Mr.

Kelly an order for my usual supply of Christmas gifts. Had lunch with Mr. Kelly at the Isle

Royale Hotel. Returned on the Highland Lines Bus, leaving Sydney at 4:30 P.M.

JUNE 1956

Friday 1

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with light southerly winds. Foggy in the late afternoon and night.

Min temperature, 43, max temperature, 61.

JUNE 1956

Saturday 2

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and moderately warm with light to moderate southwest wind. A very lovely spring day.

Min temperature, 44, max temperature, 68.

To Sydney and Return

Emeline and Jane went to Sydney on the A.M. trips of the Highland Lines Bus Services. After

spending several hours shopping in Sydney, they returned on the bus leaving Sydney at 4:30


JUNE 1956

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (48)

Sunday 3

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and moderately warm with light to moderate southwest wind. A very lovely day.

Min temperature, 46, max temperature, 68, highest for this season and so far this year.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended services in the First United Church,

where Rev. John L. Rose was the Preacher.

Present in the morning about 120, in the evening 40. Choir attendance: A.M. 10, P.M. 6.

JUNE 1956

Monday 4

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and foggy in the early part of the morning, cleared at about 10 A.M. Sunny during the

afternoon, becoming foggy in the evening and night.

Min temperature, 46, max temperature, 61

JUNE 1956

Tuesday 5

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and foggy with moderate southwest wind. Mostly sunny during the late forenoon and

afternoon. Cloudy and foggy in the evening. Light shower of rain at about 9 A.M.

Min temperature, 47, max temperature, 61.

JUNE 1956

Wednesday 6

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy in the morning with light to moderate southwest wind. Cleared during the forenoon with

the wind shifting to northwest and increasing to fresh. Moderately warm and spring-like. Cool at


Min temperature, 42, max temperature, 69.

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M., in company with Emeline attended and conducted choir practice in the First United


JUNE 1956

Thursday 7

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cool in the morning, partly clearing during the forenoon, mostly sunny in the

afternoon, becoming cloudy in the late afternoon. Light showers, beginning at about 7:30 P.M.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (49)

Fresh southwest wind shifting to northeast in the late afternoon and to northwest in the evening.

Min temperature, 34, max temperature, 60.

JUNE 1956

Friday 8

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cold with a light drizzle of rain in the early morning, becoming sunny in mid-

afternoon. Clear during the night. Fresh northeast wind. Rainfall of night: about 1/16 and inch.

Min temperature, 35, max temperature, 48.

JUNE 1956

Saturday 9

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and very cool with moderate easterly winds, mostly southeast. Frost in the morning.

Min temperature, 30, max temperature, 54.

JUNE 1956

Sunday 10

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and very cool with moderate easterly winds. Rain beginning at about 6 P.M.

Min temperature, 42, max temperature, 52.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church,

where Rev. John L. Rose was the Preacher.

Present in the morning about, 105, in the evening, 28. Choir attendance: A.M. 9, P.M. 9.

JUNE 1956

Monday 11

Louisbourg, N.S.

Steady rain of last night ended early in the forenoon, and was followed by light showers, mist

and drizzle throughout the day. Moderate to fresh easterly winds. Trace of snow in the showers

in the early part of the day. Total rainfall of last night and today: 1 ½ inches.

Min temperature, 43, max temperature, 48.

Went to Glace Bay

Evelyn Huntington, my clerk, went to Sydney on the 1:30 P.M. trip of the Highland Lines Bus

service enroute to Glace Bay for the purpose of visiting her mother, who is ill in the Glace Bay

General Hospital.

JUNE 1956

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (50)

Tuesday 12

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy in the morning, but becoming moderately clear during the late forenoon. Mostly sunny

during the afternoon. Some fog in the evening. Light southerly winds.

Min temperature, 46, max temperature, 59.

Returned From Glace Bay

Evelyn Huntington, my clerk, returned from Glace Bay where she visited her mother who is a

patient in the Glace Bay General Hospital. According to present plans her mother, Mrs. Cyril

Dawe is to undergo an operation on next Thursday morning.

JUNE 1956

Wednesday 13

Louisbourg, N.S.

Light rain and drizzle in the morning. Cloudy until mid-afternoon then clearing. Light southerly

winds. Rainfall: about 1/16 an inch.

Min temperature, 46, max temperature, 56.

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M., in company with Emeline attended and conducted choir practice in the First United


JUNE 1956

Thursday 14

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with some fog, partly clear in the forenoon. Mostly sunny during the afternoon, foggy at


Min temperature, 46, max temperature, 59.

Graduation Exercises at Sydney

Emeline and Evelyn (my wife and sister-in-law) went to Sydney on the 1:30 P.M. trip on the

Highland Lines Bus service where at 7:30 P.M. they attended the graduation exercises of the

grade XII students of Sydney Academy. Among those graduating were Miss Jane Huntington

(my niece), daughter of Mrs. Evelyn Huntington, Louisbourg, and Miss Lorna Huntington, of

Huntington, C.B, N.S. Jane was one of the graduates who won merit in her studies. Emeline and

Evelyn returned home shortly after 10 P.M. with Gervin MacLean of Louisbourg.

JUNE 1956

Friday 15

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and foggy in the morning but clearing during the forenoon. Sunny in the afternoon.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (51)

Foggy during the evening and night. Moderate to fresh southerly winds.

Min temperature, 45, max temperature, 61.

Planted cucumber and pumpkin seeds in the garden in the morning.

JUNE 1956

Saturday 16

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and foggy with two light showers of rain. Very light southerly winds, shifting northerly

in the early part of the night and clearing.

Min temperature, 48, max temperature, 66.

JUNE 1956

Sunday 17

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny with cloudy intervals during the forenoon. Cloudy in the afternoon, clearing in the


Min temperature, 44, max temperature, 69.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Attendance in the morning: about 100, in the evening, 46. Choir attendance: A.M. 10, P.M. 9.

JUNE 1956

Monday 18

Louisbourg, N.S.

Showers and drizzle in the morning followed by steady rain. Showers and drizzle in the evening.

Moderate easterly winds. Rainfall: ½ an inch.

Min temperature, 44, max temperature about, 45.

JUNE 1956

Tuesday 19

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cool clearing in the forenoon. Cloudy in mid-afternoon, clearing in the evening.

Moderate to fresh northeast winds.

Min temperature, 40, max temperature, 47.

JUNE 1956

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (52)

Wednesday 20

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cool with moderate southwest wind. Light frost in the morning.

Min temperature, 36, max temperature, 58.

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M., in company with Emeline attended and conducted choir practice in the First United


JUNE 1956

Thursday 21

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cool and mostly cloudy with moderate to fresh southwest wind, increasing to strong in the

afternoon. Showers in the evening.

Min temperature, 46, max temperature, 60.

Visited National and Historic Park

Visited the Louisbourg National and Historic Park in the afternoon with Sister Georgina and

Sister Mary Jean; Sisters of Providence St. Mary-of-the-woods, Indiana, U.S.A. They were

brought to Louisbourg by car driver by a Sydney lady, whose name I did not learn. At the park I

gave them a talk on all Louisbourg, and took them on a tour of points of interest, which I believe

they greatly enjoyed.

JUNE 1956

Friday 22

Louisbourg, N.S.

Showers and drizzle with some fog throughout the day. Moderate to fresh southwest wind.

Rainfall: [blank].

Min temperature, 50, max temperature, 54.

JUNE 1956

Saturday 23

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny with a few brief cloudy intervals. Light to moderate northerly winds, northeast during the


Min temperature, about 44, max temperature, about 58.

JUNE 1956

Sunday 24

Louisbourg, N.S.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (53)

Sunny and cool with light to moderate northeast wind.

Min temperature, 40, max temperature, 61.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church

where Rev. John L. Rose was the Preacher.

Attendance in the morning: about 105, in the evening 46. Choir attendance: 12 at each service.

JUNE 1956

Monday 25

Louisbourg, N.S.

Mostly clear during the early part of the day, becoming cloudy at noon. Showers and drizzle of

rain beginning in mid-afternoon and continuing during the evening and night. Light to moderate

southeast wind.

Min temperature, 44, max temperature, 59.

JUNE 1956

Tuesday 26

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny with moderate to fresh southwest winds increasing to strong in the afternoon and

decreasing to light in the evening. A very lovely spring day.

Min temperature, 48, max temperature, 69.

JUNE 1956

Wednesday 27

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and warm with moderate to fresh southwest wind shifting to northwest at about 11 A.M.

and decreasing to light in the late afternoon. Cloudy in the evening. A very lovely day: warmest

day so far this year.

Min temperature, 46, max temperature, 75.

Preparatory Service

At 7:30 P.M., in company with Emeline attended the quarterly communion Preparatory service

in the First United Church, which was conducted by Rev. John L. Rose.

16 Persons present. Choir attendance: 6.

Choir practice which was to have taken place immediately after the service did not materialize

owing to lack of attendance.

JUNE 1956

Thursday 28

Louisbourg, N.S.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (54)

Cloudy and foggy with light southerly wind. Heavy showers in the early morning and afternoon.

Min temperature, 58, max temperature, 61. Rainfall: about ¼ an inch.

JUNE 1956

Friday 29

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and foggy, clearing in the early forenoon. Sunny and moderately warm during the

remainder of the day. Light to moderate southwest wind. A very nice early summer day.

Min temperature, 52, max temperature, 65.

JUNE 1956

Saturday 30

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny throughout the day. Light southwest wind shifted to west and later in the forenoon to

northwest, increasing to fresh in the early afternoon and decreasing to light in the evening. A

very lovely summer day.

Min temperature, 50, max temperature, 76.

Went to Sydney

My sister-in-law Evelyn Huntington, and daughter Jane went to Sydney on the 9:30 A.M. trip of

the Highland Lines Bus services. They attended a circus that is performing in the city today.

They returned on the bus leaving Sydney at 10:30 P.M.

JULY 1956

Sunday 1

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny, followed by variable cloudiness during the forenoon. Cloudy during the evening with

light showers beginning at about 8 o’clock. Warm during the entire day.

Min temperature, 50, max temperature, 78.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church,

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher. The Communion of the Lord’s Supper was dispensed

at the morning service.

Present at the morning service: about 90, at the evening service, 36. Choir attendance: A.M. 10,

P.M. 11.

JULY 1956

Monday 2

Louisbourg, N.S.

Light showers and drizzle of rain with some fog. Light southwest wind. Partly clear in the

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (55)

evening. Rainfall: ¼ an inch.

Min temperature, 52, max temperature, 61.

JULY 1956

Tuesday 3

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and warm with moderate to fresh northwest wind, decreasing to light in the evening. A

very lovely summer day.

Min temperature, 52, max temperature, 72.

JULY 1956

Wednesday 4

Louisbourg, N.S.

Variable cloudiness and very light variable winds. A very light shower of rain at about 7:30

A.M. and one shortly after noon. A rather pleasant day.

Min temperature, 46, max temperature, 67.

Congregational Picnic

The Annual Congregational Picnic of the First United Church was held at Mira Gut today. Those

attending left on the 8 A.M. train returning on the evening train.

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M. in company with Emeline attended and conducted choir practice in the First United


G. H. Kelly, representing T. S. Patillo & Co. Ltd of Truro N.S., arrived at about 9 A.M. and

spent several hours with me during which I gave him my order for school opening supplies and

other goods.

JULY 1956

Thursday 5

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and warm with fresh northwest wind shifting to northeast in the afternoon, and decreasing

to light in the evening.

Min temperature, 47, max temperature, 71.

No diary entries for July 6, 1956 through to July 14, 1956.

JULY 1956

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (56)

Sunday 15

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and warm, with moderate to fresh south to west winds. Max temperature about, 70.

Mrs. Clifford Huntington, Miss Olive Spencer, Miss Elinor Huntington and I motored to Marion

Bridge with Miss Maud Huntington, where I attended services in the United Church, where Rev.

Archibald Fraser was the preacher, while the rest of the party attended St. Colombia Presbyterian

church, the preacher being Mr. Campbell, student minister.

JULY 1956

Monday 16

Huntington, N.S.

Sunny with moderate southwest wind. Moderately warm. Max temperature about, 67.

Huntington to Louisbourg

Miss Olive Spencer, my cousin of Halifax and I motored to my home at Louisbourg with my

niece Lieut. Maud Huntington R.C.N. We left Huntington at about 9:45 A.M. and went via

Sydney, arriving at Louisbourg at about 11:15 A.M. Olive and Maud will be our guests until

tomorrow when they will return to my sister’s home in Huntington, to spend the balance of their


JULY 1956

Tuesday 17

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and showery, party clear in the afternoon. Light southwest wind.

Min temperature about, 54, max temperature about, 68.

Lieut. Maud Huntington R. C. V., my niece and my cousin, Miss Olive Spencer of Halifax with

whom I returned home from Huntington yesterday, left to return via Sydney at about 1:30 P.M.

JULY 1956

Wednesday 18

Louisbourg, N.S.

Foggy with brief sunny intervals, mostly southwest winds.

Min temperature, 48, max temperature, 66.

Strawberry Festival

In company with Emeline at about 5 P.M. attended a strawberry festival, held in the Navy Hut

under the auspices of the Catholic Women’s League.

Choir Practice

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (57)

At 8 P.M., in company with Emeline attended and conducted choir practice in the First United


JULY 1956

Thursday 19

Louisbourg, N.S.

Foggy with sunny intervals, mostly sunny during the afternoon, followed by an exceptionally

lovely evening. Light to moderate southwest wind.

Min temperature, 52, max temperature, 68.

JULY 1956

Friday 20

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny, followed by variable cloudiness and some fog during the forenoon. Showers of rain at

about 1:30 P.M. Variable cloudiness in the late afternoon and evening with some fog.

Min temperature, 50, max temperature, 71.

JULY 1956

Saturday 21

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and warm with light southwest wind. In my opinion, a perfect summer day.

Min temperature, 46, max temperature, 71.

81st Birthday

Today I celebrated my 81st birthday: Born at Salmon River, Cape Breton County, Nova Scotia,

on July 21, 1875.

JULY 1956

Sunday 22

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and warm with light northwest winds which shifted to moderate southwest during the

forenoon and back to light northwest in the evening. A very lovely summer day.

Min temperature, 52, max temperature, 79.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in the company with Emeline attended services in the First United

Church where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher. Also at 2 P.M., Emeline, Jane and I motored

to Catalone with Rev. and Mrs. Rose where we, at 2:30 P.M., attended the Annual Anniversary

service of the Catalone United Church. Service was in charge of Rev. Mr. Rose with Rev. Ernest

Miller of the First United Church, Sydney, N.S. was the guest preacher.

The Communion of the Lord’s Supper was dispensed during the service. This service was well

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (58)

attended, there being about 100 present, 13 members of the Louisbourg First United Church

choir led the service of song.

At the 7 P.M. service the local organization of the Society of United Fishermen, with visiting

members from outside communities headed by the Donkin Brass Baud paraded to the First

United Church, where a special service was held for the visitors, the Band taking part by playing

two numbers. About 50 members of the Fishermen’s organization present in the evening service

besides the Band.

About 60 of the local congregation were present in the evening, in the morning’s service 80.

Choir attendance: A.M., 12, P.M., 10.

JULY 1956

Monday 23

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and warm with a few brief sunny intervals. Light shower of rain in the early afternoon,

also showers beginning at about 10:30 P.M. Light variable winds.

Min temperature, 60, max temperature, 76.

JULY 1956

Tuesday 24

Louisbourg, N.S.

Rain of last night was followed by an occasional light shower. Cloudy and cool throughout the

day with light to moderate northeast winds. Rainfall of last night and today: about 1/8 an inch.

Min temperature, 58, max temperature, 63.

JULY 1956

Wednesday 25

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cool becoming warm in the afternoon and partly clear. Cloudy and misty in the

evening. Light variable winds.

Min temperature, 58, max temperature, 73.

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M. in company with Emeline attended and conducted choir practice in the First United


JULY 1956

Thursday 26

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy, foggy and moderately warm with moderate southeast wind, decreasing to light in the

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (59)


Min temperature, 59, max temperature, 68.

JULY 1956

Friday 27

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and warm with light to moderate westerly winds, becoming variable. A very lovely

summer day.

Min temperature, 56, max temperature, 76.

Italian Luxury Liner Sinks

Italian Luxury Liner “Andrea Doria” Capt. Piero Calamai, in collision with the Swedish Liner

“Stockholm” Capt. Gunnar Nordenson.

JULY 1956

Saturday 28

Louisbourg, N.S.

Bright and sunny in the morning, becoming cloudy and dark at about 9:30 A.M. Lightning and a

few rumbles of thunder at about 11 A.M., accompanied by a light shower. Also a moderate

shower in the early afternoon, with the weather continuing to be cloudy and foggy. Heavy

thunder and lightning storm beginning at about 6:45 P.M. and ending at about 9 P.M., during

which there was a heavy downfall of rain, at times mixed with hail. Rainfall: 1¼ an inch.

JULY 1956

Sunday 29

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with sunny intervals. Light to moderate variable winds.

Min temperature, 56, max temperature, 76.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church.

In the absence of Rev. John L. Rose, the regular pastor, who is at present taking part of his

vacation Rev. J. W. O’Brien, of Sydney Mines (retired) was the preacher.

Church attendance in the morning about 65, in the evening the total attendance was 30. Choir

attendance: A.M. 10, P.M. 9.

JULY 1956

Monday 30

Louisbourg, N.S.

Mostly sunny with fresh to strong, westerly to southwest winds, decreasing to light in the late

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (60)

afternoon. A very nice summer day.

Min temperature, 46, max temperature, 70.

JULY 1956

Tuesday 31

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny in the morning, becoming cloudy with a moderate shower of rain at about 1 P.M. Light to

moderate variable winds.

Min temperature, 53, max temperature, 72.

To Sydney and Return

Emeline went to Sydney on the 9:30 A.M. trip of the bus, returning on the bus leaving Sydney at

4:30 P.M.


Wednesday 1

Louisbourg, N.S.

Variable cloudiness, with moderate southwest winds.

Min temperature, 51, max temperature, 70.

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M., in company with Emeline attended and conducted choir practice in the First United



Thursday 2

Louisbourg, N.S.


Friday 3

Baddeck, N.S.


Saturday 4

Baddeck, N.S.


Sunday 5

Baddeck, N.S.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (61)


Monday 6

Baddeck, N.S.


Tuesday 7

Margaree Forks, N.S.


Wednesday 8

Margaree Forks, N.S.

No diary entry for August 9th and 10th, 1956.


Saturday 11

Port Hastings, N.S.

Cloudy, clearing during the forenoon. Sunny in the afternoon.

Port Hastings to Truro

Emeline and I left Port Hastings at about 11:30 A.M. onboard an Acadian Lines Bus, enroute to

Truro and New Colchester County, N.S. Stopped at Antigonish for about 35 minutes, where we

had lunch at the Brigadoon Restaurant.

At about 4 P.M. we reached Truro where we were met by Mr. and Mrs. Wofford Townsend.

After having supper with the Townsends in Truro, we motored with them to their home at

Valley, which will be home to us during our visit at the Valley.


Sunday 12

Valley, N.S.

Sunny and moderately warm. Heavy clouds interspersed with sunny intervals, which passed off

to the southeast before producing heavy showers, accompanied by a few pieces of thunder which

could be heard in the distance. Light winds.

Church Services

In the forenoon, Mrs. (Rev.) Howard Townsend, Emeline and I motored to Truro with Mr.

Wofford Townsend, where at 11 A.M. we attended service in the First United Church, where

Rev. Mr. Diltz, a United States visitor to Truro, was the preacher. The regular Pastor, Rev.

Gordon being absent in Cape Breton. In the evening we attended service in the Valley United

Church where Rev. [blank] was the preacher. In the afternoon Emeline and I visited at the homes

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (62)

of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Townsend, and Mr. (Rev.) Howard Townsend, who has a separate

apartment in the Gerald Townsend house. In the evening, Emeline and I had supper with Mrs.

Howard Townsend.


Monday 13

Truro, N.S.

Sunny and moderately warm, with a few cloudy intervals in the afternoon. Light winds.

Truro to Halifax and Return

On the invitation of Mrs. Wofford Townsend, Mrs. (Rev) Howard Townsend, Emeline and I

motored to Halifax via Dartmouth with Mrs. Wofford Townsend. We left Truro at 9 A.M. and

arrived at Dartmouth at 11 A.M. After paying a visit to the Dartmouth Shopping Center, we had

lunch, after which we went to Halifax via the Angus L. MacDonald Bridge, which connects

Dartmouth with Halifax. After visiting the Public Gardens and the Commons where Natal Day

celebrations where taking place, we left for Truro at about 4 P.M., arriving at about 6 P.M. The

trip to Dartmouth and Halifax was enjoyed by us all.


Tuesday 14

Valley, N.S.

Variable cloudiness, showers in the evening. Light winds.

Festival of Art

At about 10 A.M. a party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Wofford Townsend, Mrs. (Rev.) Howard

Townsend, Emeline and I motored to Tatamagouche, N.S. where we attended the Festival of Art

which was being held yesterday and today at that place. Leaving Tatamagouche at about 4:30

P.M., we motored through the Town of Pictou, and visited the summer home of Mr. and Mrs.

Alvin Townsend of Valley who has a cottage near the Town of Pictou. After spending about one

hour at the Townsend cottage we continued on to the Valley where we arrived at about 9 P.M.,

after having spent a very pleasant day.


Wednesday 15

Valley, N.S.

Cloudy and warm clearing in the forenoon, and warm during the afternoon. Heavy cloudiness

forming in the late afternoon, followed by accompanied showers in the evening. Heavy thunder

and lightning storm at Sydney and surrounding districts at about 8 P.M., accompanied by torrents

of rain.

Valley to Louisbourg

Emeline and I motored to Truro from Valley at about 10 A.M. with Mrs. Wofford Townsend

where we boarded a bus of the Acadian Bus Lines at 11:30 A.M. enroute to Sydney, where we

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (63)

arrived at about 7 P.M. We intended on leaving for home on the bus due to leave Sydney for

Louisbourg at 10:30 P.M., but had the good fortune to meet with a car from Louisbourg at about

8 P.M.


Thursday 16

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and moderately warm with light to moderate southwest wind. A very lovely day.

Min temperature, 49, max temperature, 68.


Friday 17

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with some fog in the morning, clearing during the forenoon. Sunny and warm in the

afternoon, cloudy at night. Moderate southwest winds.

Min temperature, 56, max temperature, 72.


Saturday 18

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy, foggy and warm, becoming sunny in the late afternoon. Very light southwest winds.

Foggy at night.

Min temperature, 60, max temperature, 75.


Sunday 19

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy, foggy and warm. Light rain in the mid-afternoon, followed by heavy showers in the


Min temperature, 61, max temperature, 70.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church,

where Rev. J. W. O’Brien (retired) was the preacher.

Present in the morning: about 65, present in the evening 32. Choir attendance: A.M. 10, P.M. 11.


Monday 20

Louisbourg, N.S.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (64)

Sunny and warm with light northwest wind. A very lovely summer day.

Min temperature, 52, max temperature, 74.


Tuesday 21

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny becoming cloudy in the forenoon and continuing cloudiness during the afternoon and

evening, with moderate rain beginning to fall at about 6 P.M.

Min temperature, 46, max temperature, 69.


Wednesday 22

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cool with light northeast wind, clearing in the evening.

Min temperature, 50, max temperature, 68.

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M., in company with Emeline attended and conducted choir practice in the First United



Thursday 23

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny, becoming cloudy in the evening. Light to moderate southeast wind.

Min temperature, 49, max temperature, 67.

Visitors from Valley

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Townsend and their five children, after completing the trail around the Cabot

trail, arrived here at about 4:30 P.M. They had supper with us before leaving for Sydney River

where they had Cabin accommodations for the night.

On Vacation

My clerk and sister-in-law, Evelyn Huntington accompanied by her daughter Jane, went on

vacation today. They motored to Huntington. They went with Mrs. Sadie Doweling, where they

intend on spending about two weeks.


Friday 24

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and misty with fresh to strong southeast wind.

Min temperature, 56, max temperature, 62.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (65)


Saturday 25

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and warm with light northwest winds. A very lovely summer day.

Min temperature, 55, max temperature, 74.

Death of Mrs. Harold MacQueen

The death of Mrs. Harold MacQueen occurred at an early hour this morning at her home on Main

Street after a long illness. Mrs. MacQueen the former Miss Florence was about 55 years of age.

She is survived by her husband, one son (Harold), and daughter (Marian) Mrs. George Phalen.


Sunday 26

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cool with fresh westerly winds.

Min temperature, 47, max temperature, 70.

Church Services

At 11 A.M., in company with Emeline attended service in the First United Church, where Mrs.

Mayo of the Salvation Army, who is spending part of the summer in town was the preacher.

About 55 persons present. Choir attendance: 7.

AT 3 P.M., we attended the Annual Anniversary service of the Louisbourg Presbyterian Church.

Rev. Norman MacQueen of Somerville Mass, U.S.A., who is spending his vacation in Cape

Breton was the preacher at 11 A.M., 3 and 7 P.M.

In the evening we attended the anniversary service of St. Bartholomew Anglican Church where

the regular Pastor Rev. H. A. Seegmiller was the preacher.

No service in the United Church in the evening, owing to the Pastor, Rev. John L. Rose being

absent on vacation, and no other minister available.


Monday 27

Louisbourg, N.S.

Variable cloudiness, mostly sunny with light to moderate northwest wind. A very lovely day.

Min temperature, 55, max temperature, 72.


At 2:30 P.M., in company with Emeline attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Harold MacQueen

which took place from her late home on lower Main Street to the First United Church where the

funeral service was conducted by Rev. John L. Rose, assisted by Rev. H. A. Seegmiller, Rector

of St. Bartholomew Anglican Church. Funeral in charge by D.M. Johnston, Funeral Director,

Louisbourg. Burial took place in Willow Grove cemetery.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (66)


Tuesday 28

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny in the morning becoming cloudy and threatening in the forenoon. Foggy during the

afternoon and evening with occasional showers. Moderate to fresh southwest wind.

Min temperature, 50, max temperature, 69.


Wednesday 29

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny, becoming cloudy at noon. Cloudy during the afternoon and evening with a few light

showers. Light variable winds.

Min temperature, 52, max temperature, 68.

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M., in company with Emeline attended and conducted choir practice in the First United


Visiting at Louisbourg

Mrs. Ernest Baines of Sydney who had been visiting friends in Lousibourg since last Monday,

and has been our guest since yesterday left for home today.


Thursday 30

Louisbourg, N.S.

Mostly sunny with light northwest wind. A very lovely day.

Min temperature, 46, max temperature, 72.


Friday 31

Louisbourg, N.S.

Mostly sunny with light northwest winds. A very pleasant day.

Min temperature, 48, max temperature, 68.


Saturday 1

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and moderate with light northwest wind, shifting to southwest. A perfect early September


Min temperature, 45, max temperature, 68.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (67)


Sunday 2

Louisbourg, N.S.

Variable cloudiness, mostly sunny, moderate to fresh southerly winds, decreasing to light in the


Min temperature, 50, max temperature, 69.

Church Service

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended services in the First United Church

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Present in the morning: about 70, in the evening about 40. Choir attendance: A.M. 13, P.M. 9.


Monday 3

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with some fog. Light southwest wind, shifting to northwest in the evening. Light mist for

a brief period in mid-afternoon, clearing at about 4 P.M.

Min temperature, 62, max temperature, 72.


Tuesday 4

Louisbourg, N.S.

Warm and remarkably clear, with light southerly winds. A pleasant summer day.

Min temperature, 50, max temperature, 73.

Ladies Aid

The “Ladies Aid’ of the First United Church held their regular meeting with Emeline this



Wednesday 5

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and warm with light to moderate winds, an ideal summer day.

Min temperature, 55, max temperature, 73.

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M., in company with Emeline attended and conducted choir practice in the First United



TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (68)

Thursday 6

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy, foggy and warm with light southwest wind.

Min temperature, 58, max temperature, 71.

Evelyn Huntington, my clerk, who has been on vacation since August 23rd, accompanied by her

daughter Jane, returned this evening.


Friday 7

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and warm, becoming cloudy in the evening. Showers beginning at about 9 P.M.

Min temperature, 62, max temperature, 72.


Saturday 8

Louisbourg, N.S.

Showers in the morning, cloudy throughout the day. Light southwest wind shifting to the east at

night. Rainfall: about 1/8 an inch.

Min temperature, 56, max temperature, 66.


Sunday 9

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny during the forenoon with variable cloudiness in the afternoon and evening. Moderate

northerly winds.

Min temperature, 47, max temperature, 61.


Monday 10

Louisbourg, N.S.

Shower of rain in the early morning. Cloudy and very cool, clearing showers before noon. Sunny

during the afternoon. Moderate to fresh northeast wind.

Min temperature, 46, max temperature, 58.


Tuesday 11

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cool with moderate variable winds. Mostly southwest, decreasing to light in the late

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (69)


Min temperature, 42, max temperature, 66.


Wednesday 12

Louisbourg, N.S.

Mostly cloudy with moderate to fresh southwest wind.

Min temperature, 56, max temperature, 69.


Thursday 13

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with a few brief sunny intervals in the afternoon. Warm with moderate southwest wind.

Min temperature, 60, max temperature, 73.


Friday 14

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and warm with fresh southwest wind, and considerable fog.

Min temperature, 60, max temperature, 70.


Saturday 15

Louisbourg, N.S.

Shower of rain in the morning. Variable cloudiness during the day. Strong southwest wind,

moderating and shifting to northeast at about noon. Cool during the afternoon and evening.

Min temperature, 46, max temperature, 67.


Sunday 16

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cool with light winds.

Min temperature, 43, max temperature, 57.

Anniversary Service

At 11 A.M., 3 P.M., and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline attended the Anniversary Service of

the First United Church. Services in charge of: Rev. John L. Rose, the regular pastor, with Rev.

Dr. C.M. Nicholson as the guest preacher.

Attendance at 11 A.M. and 3 P.M.: about 150, and in the evening about 200. Choir attendance:

11 A.M. and 3 P.M. 16, at 7 P.M. 15. In addition to the regular choir at 3 P.M. and 7 P.M., we

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (70)

had the male quartet of the United Church Sydney. The quartet consisted of Messrs. MacDonald

1st tenor, MacNeil 2nd tenor, MacLeod 1st bass and Fraser, 2nd bass. The quartet rendered two

numbers at each of the afternoon and evening services.


Monday 17

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cool with moderate to fresh easterly winds.

Min temperature, 46, max temperature, 57.


Tuesday 18

Louisbourg, N.S.

Moderate southeast gale in the early morning, shifting to south and southwest and in the evening

to west. Clearing in the night. Showers in the afternoon.

Min temperature, 54, max temperature, 64.

Community Fair


To Sydney and Return

Emeline and Jane went to Sydney on the 9:50 A.M. trip of the Acadian Bus Lines for the purpose

of doing some shopping. They returned on the bus leaving Sydney at 4:30 P.M.


Wednesday 19

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and very cool with fresh to strong northwest wind.

Min temperature, 42, max temperature, 58.

To Sydney and Return

I went to Sydney, by bus at 9:30 A.M. on business, returning on the bus leaving Sydney at 12:15



Thursday 20

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cool with light showers in the afternoon. Moderate southeast wind increasing to

strong in the afternoon and decreasing to light in the evening.

Min temperature, 44, max temperature, 57.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (71)


Friday 21

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with light showers in the forenoon. Cleared early in the day. Light northwest wind.

Min temperature, 40, max temperature, 66.

M. A. Patterson Nominated

At a nominating convention held in Riverview School, Sydney River, at 8 P.M. this evening,

Malcolm A. Patterson D.C. was nominated to contest the constituency of Cape Breton West in

the election to take place on the 30th of October 1956, on behalf of the Liberal Party.


Saturday 22

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cool with fresh west to southwest winds. Variable cloudiness in the late afternoon.

Showers during the night. Frost in the morning.

Min temperature, 36, max temperature 58.


Sunday 23

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cool, with moderate to fresh northwest wind, decreasing in the late afternoon.

Min temperature, 40, max temperature, 58.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended services in the First United Church

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Present at the morning service, about 95, at the evening service, about 40. Choir attendance:

A.M. 10, P.M. 11.


Monday 24

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cool with light variable winds. Cloudy in the afternoon followed by showers and

drizzle at night.

Min temperature, 36, max temperature, 59.

Left for Mount Allison University

Miss Jane Huntington, my niece, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Heber Huntington, left here

on the 6:15 P.M., trip of the Acadian Times Bus service for Sydney where they will board the C.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (72)

N. R. Train leaving Sydney at 9:45 P.M. (daylight time) enroute to Mount Allison University,

Sackville, New Brunswick.


Tuesday 25

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cool with moderate northeast wind.


Wednesday 26

Louisbourg, N.S.

Variable cloudiness with moderate northeast wind. Light showers in the early morning and night.

Min temperature, 43, max temperature, 56.

Arrived From Sackville

Evelyn Huntington who accompanied her daughter Jane, to Mount Allison University, Sackville

N.B., returned home this evening by bus from Sydney. Jane has been accepted as a student at

Mount A. in Home Economics.


Thursday 27

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cool with moderate northerly winds, shifting to southwest. A very lovely, early

autumn day.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 60.

Frost in the Morning

Frost in the morning slightly damaged the dahlias in the garden.


Friday 28

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy in the morning, clearing early in the forenoon. Clear and sunny during the remainder of

the day. Moderate to fresh southwest wind shifting to light in the evening.

Min temperature, 40, max temperature, 60.


Saturday 29

Louisbourg, N.S.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (73)

Clear and sunny with light southwest wind. A perfect early autumn day.

Min temperature, 36, max temperature, 61. Frost in the morning.

Daylight Saving Time which went into effect at midnight on April 28 last, will change to

Standard Time at midnight.


Sunday 30

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny with light southerly winds. A perfect autumn day.

Min temperature, 34, max temperature, 58.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended services in the First United Church,

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Sunday school “Rally Day” service took place at 11 A.M., with the address being delivered by

Mr. Rose. About 100 present at the morning service, and about 45 in the evening. Choir

attendance: A.M. 12, P.M. 8.

Daylight Savings Time Ended

Daylight Savings Time which went into effect at midnight on the night of April 28 last, was

succeeded by Standard Time immediately after midnight last night.


Monday 1

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with light to fresh southeast wind. Light drizzle and mist at night.

Min temperature, 37, max temperature, 60.


Tuesday 2

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy, partly clearing in the afternoon. Cloudy at night.

Min temperature, 52, max temperature, 61.


Wednesday 3

Louisbourg, N.S.


TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (74)

Thursday 4

Huntington, N.S.


Friday 5

Huntington, N.S.


Saturday 6

Huntington, N.S.


Sunday 7

Huntington, N.S.


Monday 8

Huntington, N.S.

Thanksgiving Day


Tuesday 9

Huntington, N.S.

Sunny and moderately warm with fresh to strong westerly winds. A very lovely autumn day.

Max temperature about, 62.

Motored Over Mail Route

Beginning at about 10 A.M. I motored with Fred Huntington over his mail route (Marion Bridge

no. 1) via Huntington, Marion Bridge, Grand Mira South, Upper Grand Mira North, Rock Elm

and back to Huntington, arriving at the starting point at about 3 P.M. I had a very pleasant trip.

The Autumn leaves along the route are still very colorful although they were quite badly

damaged in the storm of last Sunday night.

Had supper with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huntington and family. Merrill, Fred’s second oldest son,

who is employed in a geological survey in the province of New Brunswick, arrived home for the

Thanksgiving Holiday on Sunday morning. He intends to return tomorrow.


Wednesday 10

Huntington, N.S.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (75)

Variable cloudiness, mostly sunny with light to moderate westerly winds, moderately warm: a

very lovely day.

Huntington to Louisbourg

Left Huntington at about 3 P.M. and motored to Sydney enroute to Louisbourg with Merrill

Huntington. Left Sydney at 4:14 P.M. on Acadian Bus Lines, arriving home at about 5:15 P.M.

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended and conducted choir practice in the First United



Thursday 11

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and very cool, followed by variable cloudiness in the forenoon. Moderate northerly winds.

Min temperature, 33, max temperature, 49.

No diary entry on Friday, October 12, 1956.


Saturday 13

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cool with light to fresh westerly winds.

Min temperature, 31, max temperature, 56.


Sunday 14

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny with light variable winds. A lovely autumn day.

Min temperature, 35, max temperature, 58.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended services in the First United Church

where Rev. John L. Lewis was the preacher.

Present at 11 A.M.: about 100, at the evening service 45. Choir attendance: A.M. 13, P.M. 11.

Visitors from Huntington

At about 10:45 A.M., Mr. and Mrs. Cecil with daughter Jackie and son Berry arrived in

Huntington, N.S., for the purpose of paying a visit. They attended church with us and spent the

rest of the day as our guests. In the afternoon I accompanied them on a visit to the Louisbourg

National and Historical Park. They left to return home at 5:45 P.M.


TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (76)

Monday 15

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny with light variable winds. An ideal autumn day.

Min temperature, 45, max temperature, 57.


Tuesday 16

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and warm with light southerly winds. A very lovely day.

Min temperature, 44, max temperature, 64.

Nomination Day

Nominations for candidates to contest the Nova Scotia Provincial Elections held on the 30th of

this month, were held today throughout the Province.

In the province today, 98 candidates were nominated to contest 43 seats. In Cape Breton West

constituency, which includes the Town of Louisbourg and district, Hon. Malcolm A. Patterson

was nominated to contest this riding in the interests of the Liberal Party, while E.A. Manson

received the conservative nomination.


Wednesday 17

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny, and warm with light variable winds. Thunder and lightning accompanied by showers in

the early morning (about 2:45). A very lovely day during the daylight hours.

Min temperature, 43, max temperature, 63.


Thursday 18

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and warm during the forenoon becoming cloudy and threatening in the early afternoon.

Fresh southwest wind shifting to northwest in the afternoon, and increasing to strong, then

decreasing to light in the evening.

Min temperature, 42, max temperature, 66.

Meeting of Brotherhood

At 7:30 P.M., attended the first meeting of the Brotherhood of the First United Church for this


Offices: all re-elected were as follows: President; Charles Bagnall, Vice-President; Wilson Levy,

Secretary; William Hilchie, Treasurer; John E. MacDonald.

Those present were: Rev. John L. Rose, Arthur M. D. Townsend, Charles Bagnall, William

Hilchie, William Stewart, Oscar Harris and M.S. Huntington.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (77)


Friday 19

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and very cool with a few sunny intervals. Moderate to fresh northerly winds, decreasing

to light in the evening.

Min temperature, 33, max temperature, 48.


Saturday 20

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cool with moderate to fresh winds, decreasing to light. A very nice autumn day.

Min temperature, 30, max temperature, 54.


Sunday 21

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny with light to moderate west and southwest winds. A very lovely day.

Min temperature, 37, max temperature, 57.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended church services in the First United

Church. This being “Laymen’s Sunday” the service at 11 A.M., was conducted by two Laymen

Mr. MacNab and Mr. MacLeod both or Knox United Church, Glace Bay, the address being

delivered by Mr. MacNab. Rev. John L. Rose, the regular Pastor, was present at this service, but

did not take any part except to introduce the Laymen and make the announcements. At 7 P.M.,

the service was conducted by Rev. John L. Rose, as usual.

Present in the morning: about 95, in the evening: about 55. Choir attendance: A.M. 9, P.M. 9.


Monday 22

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and warm with light to moderate southwest wind. An ideal mid-autumn day.

Min temperature, 42, max temperature 59.

Fire Alarm

At about 6 P.M., the fire brigade was out for a fire in a small bus, parked near Earl Wilcox’s

Service Station. Damage: slight.

Liberal Candidates

The following are the Liberal candidates who were nominated on the 16th of this month. Contest

43 seats in the Nova Scotian Legislation in the election to be held on the 30th of this month as

published with their pictures in the Halifax Chronicle-Herald, today’s issues: Premier Henry D.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (78)

Hicks, Provincial Secretary, Annapolis East, Hon. A. W. MacKenzie minster of High Hants East,

Hon. Geoffrey Stevens Minister of Health Halifax County, Hon. Malcolm A. Patterson Attorney

General M. L. A., since 1937 Cape Breton, Alex O’Handley Q.C. Cape Breton North, Hon. J.S.

MacIvor, Q.C., Cape Breton South, Earl W. Urquhart, Richmond County, Roderick MacLean,

Inverness County, Dr. C.L. MacMillan, Victoria County, Gus Brown, Cape Breton Nova, Hon.

Ronald M. Fielding Q.C. Provincial Treasurer and Minister of Education, Halifax, Northwest,

Hon. Wilfred T. Dauphinee, Shelburne, Hon. Colin H. Chisholm, Antigonish, Hon. J. Clyde

Nunn, Inverness, C. Roy MacDonald Cape Breton East, James P. MacNeil, Cape Breton Centre,

Alex W. Cameron, Guysborough, Mrs. Margaret F. Norrie, Colchester Hector Hill, Colchester

Walter T. Purdy , Cumberland. (continued tomorrow)


Tuesday 23,

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and warm with heavy blanket of fog. Light southwest wind.

Min temperature, 46, max temperature, 60.

Liberal Candidates

(Continued from Oct. 22)

Allison T. Smith, Cumberland West, Ralph F. Gieroy, Cumberland Centre, John W. MacDonald,

Pictou East, Stewart W. Proudfoot, Pictou West, A.L. Lagan, Pictou Centre, Kirk S. Hennigan,

Lunenburg East, Gerard A. Regan Hants West, Ernie W. Blacom, Kings North, Cecil D.

MacLean, Kings West, MacIntosh MacLeod, Kings South, Peter M. Nicholson, Annapolis West,

Victor. G. Cardoza, Digby, Dr. Pierre E. Belliveau, Clare, Merrill D. Rawding, Queens.

Frederick E. L. Fawke, Lunenburg West, Herold J. Uhlman, Lunenburg Centre, Edward F.

Cragg, Halifax South, Gordon S. Cowan, Q.C. Halifax Centre, Dr. Duncan MacMillan, Halifax

East, John E. (Gee) Ahern, Halifax North, Dr. C Henry Reardon, Halifax West, Eric M. Spinney,

Yarmouth, Dr. Willard O’Brien, Yarmouth.

No diary entry for Wednesday, October 24, 1956.


Thursday 25

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cold with a few brief sunny intervals. Fresh to strong northerly winds.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 38.

To Sydney and return



Friday 26

Louisbourg, N.S.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (79)

Sunny and cool with light to moderate northerly wind.

Min temperature, 30, max temperature, 50.


Saturday 27

Louisbourg, N.S.

Remarkably clear with light to moderate northerly winds, a very lovely mid-autumn day.

Min temperature, 31, max temperature, 61.

Advance Poll

The Advance Poll for the Provincial Election as it effects the constituency of Cape Breton West

was held in the Crowdis Hotel this afternoon and evening.

Death of Rev. J. G. Hockins

Today’s issue of the Halifax Chronicle Herald reported the death of Rev. John George Hockin,

retired United Church, which took place yesterday at his home in Truro, N.S.


Sunday 28

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cool with fresh to strong northerly winds.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 55.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended services in the First United Church

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Present in the morning: about 80, in the evening: about 40. Choir attendance: A.M. 7, P.M. 8.

Death of A.W. Stacey

The death of Abram Wiley Stacey occurred an early hour this morning at his home on Main

Street, after a brief illness.


Monday 29

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and very cool with light to moderate northerly winds.

Min temperature, 34, max temperature, 48.

Conservative Candidates

The following are the Conservative candidates, which were nominated on the 16th of this month

to contest 43 seats in the Nova Scotia Legislation, in the Election to be held on the 30th of this

month, as published with their pictures in the Halifax Chronicle Herald, in the issue of the 27th of

this month: Robert L. Stanfield; Leader of the Conservative Opposition in the N.S. Legislature,

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (80)

William H. Brown, Yarmouth, Raymond Z. Bourque, Yarmouth, Harley J. Spence, Lunenburg

West, George Johnes, Lunenburg Centre, R. Clifford Levy, Q.C. Lunenburg East, Harry Ritcey,

Annapolis East, Leigh Marshall, Annapolis West, W.S.K. Jones, Queens, James Harding,

Shelburne, G.L. Smith, Q.C. Colchester, Fred Gaudet, Clare, Malcolm Leonard, Digby, George

H. Wilson, Hants West, Ern. Ettinger, Hants East, E.D. Haliburton, Kings South, Major G.H.

Boggs, Kings North, Hiram Thomas, Kings West, John A. O’Malley, Halifax North, R.A.

Danahoe, Q.C. Halifax South, David Milson, Halifax Centre, Earle Harverstock, Halifax

Northwest, C.J. Creighton, Halifax City Dartmouth, Reid Saugster, Halifax East, William

MacKinnon, Antigonish, Dr. J. A. Langille, Cumberland East, Stephen Pyke, Cumberland

Centre, William Wasson, Cumberland West, Harvey A. Veniot, Pictou West, Donald R.

MacLeod, Pictou Centre, Dr. W. A. MacLeod, Pictou East, Russell Kaizer, Guysborough, Alfred

Davis, Inverness, A.N. Chisholm, Inverness, William Boudreau, Richmond, Leonard Jones,

Victoria, E. A. Manson, Cape Breton West, Dr. Char. Miller, Cape Breton Centre, Percy Gaum,

Cape Breton Nova, Donald MacNeil, Cape Breton South.


Tuesday 30

Louisbourg, N.S.

Partly cloudy in the morning, clearing early in the forenoon. Sunny with light winds. An ideal

mid-autumn day.

Nova Scotia Provincial Elections

Elections were held throughout the Province today, resulting in the defeat of the Liberal

Government, under the Premiership of Hon. Henry D. Hicks.


Wednesday 31

Halifax, N.S.

Sunny and warm.

No diary entry for Thursday, November 1st 1956.


Friday 2

Halifax, N.S.

Sunny and very cool with fresh to strong northeast winds, becoming cloudy at noon.


Saturday 3

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cold with strong northerly wind.

Min temperature, 38, max temperature, 44.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (81)


Sunday 4

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cold with fresh to strong northerly winds.

Min temperature, 38, max temperature, 49.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended services in the First United Church,

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Present in the morning: about 95, in the evening: 47. Choir attendance: A.M. 6, P.M. 12.


Monday 5

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and very cool with fresh to strong northerly winds.

Min temperature, 36, max temperature, 50.


Tuesday 6

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny with light variable winds. A very lovely autumn day.

Min temperature, 35, max temperature, 54.

To Sydney and Return

Went to Sydney on the 9:30 A.M., trip of the Acadian Times Bus. After making two business

calls, I returned on the bus leaving Sydney at 12:15 P.M.

Visitors from Huntington

At about 10 A.M., Mrs. Clifford Huntington (my sister) and her daughter Miss Maud (Lieut.

R.C.N. Halifax) arrived from Huntington for a day’s visit. After spending the day with us they

left for home shortly before 6 P.M. Maud arrived home on last Saturday to spend the balance of

her 1956 holidays.

United States Presidential Elections



Wednesday 7

Louisbourg, N.S.

Remarkably clear and sunny with light variable winds. A perfect mid-autumn day.

Min temperature, 36, max temperature, 59.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (82)

Death of Nancy

Our pet Angora cat “Nancy” died at noon today, after an illness of several weeks. She was about

[blank] years of age.


Thursday 8

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny with light winds becoming cloudy at about noon. Light rain began to fall at about 3:30

P.M., continuing during the night.

Min temperature, 40, max temperature, 56.

Death of Mrs. Jeremiah Smith

The death of Mrs. Jeremiah Smith occurred at her home on Kent Street this evening after a long


Public Telephone Installed



Friday 9

Louisbourg, N.S.

Drizzle of rain with intermittent showers which began yesterday afternoon continuing during the

day and during the night. Foggy with light southerly winds.

Min temperature, 48, max temperature, 53.


Saturday 10

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy, becoming partly during the forenoon. Clear with cloudy intervals beginning at about 11

A.M., and continuing during the afternoon with a few light showers or rain mixed with snow.

West and northwest winds increasing to strong in the afternoon and decreasing at night.

Min temperature, 30, max temperature, 49. Rainfall of yesterday and last night: about ½ an inch.


Sunday 11

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cold with light northwest winds. A pleasant day although a bit too cool for comfort


Min temperature, 25, max temperature, 35.

Church Services

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (83)

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended services in the First United Church,

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Present in the morning: about 115, present in the evening: about 45. Choir attendance: A.M. 10,

P.M. 9.

Remembrance Day services were held in the various churches throughout the town.


At about 2 P.M., members of the Louisbourg Branch of the Canadian Legion, assembled at the

Legion where a dedication of colours took place. At about 2:30 P.M., a parade consisting of

Legionaires, Sea Cadets, Girl Guides and Boy Scouts, headed by a Girl’s Pipe Band, march

through Main Street returning to the Legion grounds, they were addressed by Leo MacIntyre of

Glace Bay.


At 1 P.M., Evelyn, Emeline and I attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Jeremiah Smith which

took place from her late home on Kent Street. Services at the house and grave were conducted by

Rev. John L. Rose, Pastor of the First United Church. Burial took place in the United Church

cemetery (Harbour View). Funeral in charge of D.M. Johnston, Funeral Director, Louisbourg.


Monday 12

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with showers and drizzle of rain. Strong southwest and south winds at times reaching

gale force, continuing throughout the day and late into the night. Frost in the early morning.

Min temperature, 25, max temperature, 48.

Civic Holiday

Civic Holiday in celebration of Remembrance Day in Louisbourg, as well as the City of Sydney

and other Cape Breton Towns. Most places of business, schools, banks and town offices closed

for the day. Post office on holiday hours: open for business from 11 A.M., until noon. No

outgoing or incoming mail in the evening. Had my shop open all day for the accommodation of

newspaper costumers.

Death of Mayor A.V. Forbes

The death of A. V. Forbes Mayor of the Town of North Sydney occurred today after an illness of

several weeks. He was 77 years of age.


Tuesday 13

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with showers and drizzle. Southerly gale of yesterday and last night continued until late

in the afternoon, where the wind shifted to west and moderate. Rainfall since Monday morning:

about ¼ an inch.

Min temperature, 40, max temperature, 40.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (84)


Wednesday 14

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cold with fresh northwest wind, decreasing in the evening.

Min temperature, 25, max temperature, 39.

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended and conducted choir practice in the First United



Thursday, 15

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny becoming cloudy at about noon and remaining so until the afternoon. Light northerly


Min temperature, 25, max temperature, 40.

Turkey Supper

In the evening, Emeline and I attended a Turkey Supper and Fancy sale, held in the Navy Hut,

under the Auspices of Stella Maris congregation.


Friday 16

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and foggy with some mist and light drizzle. Very light easterly winds.

Min temperature, 36, max temperature, 47.


Saturday 17

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and mild with very light winds. Showers in the early morning and a trail of drizzle and

mist at times during the day. Rainfall, as a result of light showers and drizzle, during the past two

days: about 1/8 an inch.

Min temperature, 42, max temperature, 46.


Sunday 18

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy, with showers in the early part of the day, followed by steady rain at about noon which

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (85)

continued during the night. Light to moderate easterly winds.

Min temperature, 37, max temperature, 42.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended services in the First United Church,

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Present in the morning about 53, in the evening, 27. Choir attendance: A.M. 3, P.M., 2.


Monday 19

Louisbourg, N.S.

Rain of yesterday and last night ended in the early morning, with the weather turning cold. Frost

in the morning. Cloudy and cool throughout the day with light to moderate northwest wind.

Rainfall of yesterday and last night: 2 inches. Heaviest rain for the past several months.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 39.


Tuesday 20

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and chilly with light to moderate northwest wind.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 40.

Death of Clifton Townsend

The death of Clifton N. Townsend occurred suddenly at about 2 P.M. today, at the home of his

sister, Mrs. Fletcher Townsend, from a heart attack. He was in the 62nd year of his age, and

unmarried. He was in the employ of the Sydney and Louisbourg Railway, until he was forced to

retire a number of years ago owing to ill health. Mr. Townsend was a veteran of World War One.

After returning from overseas he served on the council of the Town of Louisbourg. He is

survived by two sisters, Mrs. Townsend, widow of the late Fletcher Townsend, with whom he

resided, also Mrs. Edison Skinner, both of Louisbourg.


Wednesday, 21

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with light variable winds in the forenoon. Wind southwest in the afternoon with some

fog. Light showers and drizzle of rain, beginning at about 8 P.M.

Min temperature, 35, max temperature, 48.

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended and conducted choir practice in the First United


TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (86)

Conservative Legislation Sworn In

Today’s Press and Radio announced swearing in of the New Legislation (Conservatives) at

Halifax at 8:30 P.M., yesterday, after the resignation of the Liberal administration under Premier

H. D. Hicks which took place at 4:30 P.M. Hon. Alistair Fraser Lieut. Governor Administer of

Office. The new Cabinet consists of the following: Hon. Robert L. Stanfield Premier, Provincial

Treasurer and Minister of Education, Hon. G. L. Smith, Minister of Highways and Provincial

Secretary, Hon R.A. Donahue, Attorney General and Minister of Health, Hon R. Clifford Levy,

Minister of Municipal affairs and Minister of Lands and Forests, Hon. Stephen L. Pyke, Minister

of Labor and Public works, Hon. E. D. Haliburton Minister of Agriculture and Marketing, Hon.

E. A. Manson, Minister of Trade and Industry and Minister of mines, Hon. N. L. Ferguson,

Minister without platform. The new legislature succeeds the late Liberal Legislature which held

office continuously for a period of 23 years. The new Premier is said to be the 16th Nova Scotia

Premier since confederation.


Thursday 22

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with light showers and drizzle followed by very heavy showers during the afternoon.

Strong southwest wind, reaching heavy gale force early in the day and continuing as such until

mid-afternoon, decreasing to moderate in the late afternoon, and to light in the evening. Rainfall:

1 inch.

Min temperature, 46, max temperature, 55.


At 2:30 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended the funeral of the late Clifton N. Townsend

which took place from the home of his sister, Mrs. Fletcher Townsend, East Main Street to the

First United Church. Services at the house and grave conducted by Rev. John L. Rose, Pastor of

the First United Church, and the church by Mr. Rose assisted by Rev. H.A. Seegmiller, Rector of

St. Bartholomew Anglican Church.


Friday 23

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and mild with very light wind, southwest in the afternoon, increasing to moderate.

Min temperature, 40, max temperature, 46.


Saturday 24

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy, clearing in the forenoon. Sunny and cool during the afternoon with fresh to strong

easterly winds, decreasing to light in the evening. Light showers and drizzle of rain in the early

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (87)


Min temperature, 27, max temperature, 44.


Sunday 25

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny in the early part of the day, but becoming cloudy before noon with a few brief sunny

intervals. Almost perfectly calm during the entire day, scarcely a breath of wind. Snow began to

fall at about 7:30 P.M., and 10 P.M. was still snowing.

Min temperature, 22, max temperature, 35.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended services in the First United Church.

At 11 A.M., the service was conducted by Rev. John L. Rose, the regular Pastor. In the evening

the Women’s Missionary Society Thank offering service was held, with the address being

delivered by Mrs. Gordon Poole of Glace Bay. Mrs. William Hilchie, President of the Women’s

Missionary Society, introduced the speaker, while Rev. John L. Rose made the announcements

and gave out the hymns.

Present in the morning, about 100, in the evening about 70. Choir attendance: A.M., 10, P.M.,



Monday 26

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cool with light northeast wind. In the morning the ground was covered by two inches

of snow, as a result of last night’s storm. This was the first snow storm of the season. On one of

two occasions we had a trace of snow, but not measurable quantities. The greater part of the

snow disappeared during the day. Snowfall: 2 inches.

Min temperature, 31, max temperature, 39.


Tuesday 27

Louisbourg, N.S.

Light rain and drizzle, beginning in the morning increasing in volume and continuing all day and

late into the night. Moderate easterly winds.

Min temperature, 39, max temperature, 51.


Wednesday 28

Louisbourg, N.S.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (88)

Mostly cloudy with light to moderate winds.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 51.

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended and conducted choir practice in the First United



Thursday 29

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with a few brief sunny intervals in the forenoon. Cloudy during the afternoon with

variable winds. Drizzle of rain and showers beginning at about 5 P.M., and continuing into the

night. Rainfall: 7/8 an inch.

Min temperature, 30, max temperature, 46.

To Sydney and Return

Went to Sydney on the 9:30 A.M. trip on the Acadian Lines Bus, returning on the bus leaving

Sydney at 12:15 P.M.


Friday 30

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with a few brief sunny intervals. Cloudy during the afternoon. Light winds. Rain began

to fall at about 9 P.M. Rainfall: about ¼ an inch, which all melted before noon. Light drizzle of

rain in the evening.

Min temperature 39, max temperature, 49.

C.G.S. Edward Cornwallis

The Canadian Government Steamer “Edward Cornwallis” arrived in the late afternoon and

docked at the Freight Wharf.


Saturday 1

Louisbourg, N.S.

Rain of last night was followed by a light fall of snow in the early. Cloudy during the entire day,

with light to moderate northerly winds. Snowfall: about ½ an inch.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 39.


Sunday 2

Louisbourg, N.S.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (89)

Sunny, becoming cloudy in mi-afternoon. Light easterly winds, increasing to strong in the

evening. Snow began to fall at about 7:30 P.M., with decreasing wind. Snowfall: about ½ an


Min temperature, 24, max temperature, 39.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended services in the First United Church

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Present in the morning, about 100, in the evening 43. Choir attendance: A.M. 7, P.M. 9.


Monday 3

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cold, with light to moderate northwest wind. Just enough snow to give all out-of-

doors a wintery appearance.

Min temperature, 16, max temperature, 33.

To Sydney and Return

Emeline went to Sydney on the 9:30 A.M. trip of Acadian Bus Lines for the purpose of doing

shopping, returning on the bus leaving Sydney at 4:30 P.M.


Tuesday 4

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cold with sunny intervals. Light northwest wind.

Min temperature, 17, max temperature, 32.

Civic Elections

Civic Elections in the town of Louisbourg with four candidates to fill three seats resulted as


Donald Beaver (Re-elected) 293

Alex Nicholson 276

Laurence Smith 245

Angus Ferguson 231

Laurence Smith and Alex Nicholson are new men in the field of Civic politics. Ferguson served

on year as a councillor.


Wednesday 5

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny and cold with fresh northwest winds decreasing to light in the late afternoon and evening.

Min temperature, 23, max temperature, 32.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (90)

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended and conducted choir practice in the First United


Siamese Kitten Arrived

A Siamese kitten which Emeline had ordered from J.E. Harrison of 851 Garth Street, Hamilton

Ontario, arrived this evening. She arrived at the Reserve Airport by T.C.A. plane early today,

was transferred to the Express Office at Sydney, where she was picked up by the mail driver

(Alex Burke) and brought to her new home this evening.


Thursday 6

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny, becoming cloudy with moderate northwest wind, shifting to southwest in the afternoon.

Showers in the early part of the night. Rainfall: about ¼ an inch. Snow which covered the

landscape to a depth of about 1 inch, has disappeared.

Min temperature, 19, max temperature, 40.


Friday 7

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and mild with light variable winds. A few light showers in the evening.

Min temperature, 35, max temperature, 47.


Saturday 8

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cool with light winds, mostly northwest.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 38.


Sunday 9

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cool with light variable winds, mostly northwest. Light snow began to fall at about 8

A.M., and continued all day a light drizzle. Just enough snow to make all out-of-doors look

wintery. Snowfall: about 1 inch.

Min temperature, 27, max temperature, 32.

Church Services

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (91)

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended services in the First United Church

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Present in the morning, about 85, in the evening, about 50. Choir attendance: A.M. 10, P.M. 13.


Monday 10

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with light snow during the greater part of the day, clearing at night. Snow which began to

fall at 8 A.M. yesterday and ended this afternoon totaled a depth of about 6 inches. Light winds.

Min temperature, 26, max temperature, 35.


Tuesday 11

Louisbourg, N.S.

Sunny, becoming cloudy during the afternoon. Light wintery winds, shifting to southwest in the

afternoon, and increasing to strong in the evening. Light drizzle and mist, beginning in the early

part of the night.

Min temperature, 22, max temperature, 38.


Wednesday 12

Louisbourg, N.S.

Showers and drizzle which began early last night continued throughout the day, accompanied by

a southwest gale, which moderated in the late afternoon, and decreased to light in the evening.

Rainfall of last night and today: about ½ an inch. Snowfall of the first of the week, which

covered the ground to a depth of about 6 inches, by mid-afternoon, had all disappeared.

Min temperature, 40, max temperature, 49.

Choir Practice

At 8 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended and conducted choir practice in the First United



Thursday 13

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with showers, mist, and drizzle. Light, moderate and later to fresh, southwest wind,

shifting to west during the early part of the night. Rainfall: 1/8 an inch.

Min temperature, 33, max temperature, 41.


TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (92)

Friday 14

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cool with light westerly and northerly winds.

Min temperature, 24, max temperature, 41.

Conservative Convention of Ottawa



Saturday 15

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cool with the sun breaking through for a few brief intervals in the afternoon. Light to

moderate northeast wind.

Min temperature, 23, max temperature, 26.

Christmas Tree

In the forenoon, I took my friend Jack Johnson with me and went to the woods near the Athletic

Field, where we obtained a Christmas tree. We carried it home, where some day during next

week, I shall erect it in our sitting room, preparatory to any usual Christmas day celebrations.


Sunday 16

Louisbourg, N.S.

Showers, rain, and light drizzle with fresh southerly winds, decreasing to light and clearing in the

evening. Rainfall: about ¼ an inch.

Min temperature, 25, max temperature, 45.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., Emeline and Evelyn attended services in the First United Church where

Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Owing to my having a cold, I was not out to church today.


Monday 17

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cool with a few sunny intervals. Light northwest wind. A very pleasant late autumn


Min temperature, 30, max temperature, 39.

Death of Louis H. Cann

The death of Louis Henry Cann of Louisbourg, occurred at about 8 P.M. at Inverness Memorial

Hospital, Inverness Cape Breton, after an illness of about 4 months.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (93)


Tuesday 18

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with light drizzle of rain and few light showers in the morning. Light variable winds,

northeast in the evening, increasing to strong. Snow flurried beginning at about 5 P.M., and

continuing for several hours. Snowfall: about 2 inches.

Min temperature, 32, max temperature, 42.


Wednesday 19

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cold with sunny intervals. Moderate northerly winds, westerly in the evening.

Min temperature, 16, max temperature, 22.

Jane Arrived Home

Miss Jane Huntington, my niece, who has been attending Mount Allison University since the

opening of the College term in September, arrived home, by Acadian Lines Bus, at 1 P.M. today

for the purpose of spending her Christmas holidays with us.


Thursday 20

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cool. Light snow in the early morning and light drizzle at times during the day.

Min temperature: about 32.


At 1:30 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended the funeral of the late L.H. Cann, which took

place from his late home on Main Street, to the First United Church. Burial took place [blank].

Services at the house, church, and grave where conducted by Rev. John L. Rose, Pastor of the

First United Church. Funeral in charge of D.M. Johnston, Funeral Director, Louisbourg.


Friday 21

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy, with light winds. Light drizzle of rain in the evening.

Min temperature, 16, max temperature, 36.


Saturday 22

Louisbourg, N.S.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (94)

Cloudy and cold with a few sunny intervals. Light to moderate northerly winds.

Min temperature, 18, max temperature, 38.


Sunday 23

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and cool with a few brief sunny intervals. Very light variable winds, almost perfectly


Min temperature, 18, max temperature, 31.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., in company with Emeline, attended services in the First United Church

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher. This is Christmas Sunday, and we had music by the

choir, suitable for the occasion.

Present in the morning: about 100, in the evening, about 75. Choir attendance: A.M. 13, P.M. 11.


Monday 24

Louisbourg, N.S.

Light fall of snow in the early morning, followed by a few light showers, mist, and drizzle. Light

to moderate northeast wind. Snowfall of about 1 inch, which almost entirely disappeared during

the day.

Min temperature, 31, max temperature, 39.


Tuesday 25

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy and mild with light showers, mist and drizzle. Very light southerly winds.

Min temperature, 37, max temperature, 40.


Wednesday 26

Louisbourg, N.S.

Variable cloudiness with light to moderate northerly winds, and a few very light snow flurries.

Min temperature, 20, max temperature, 37.


Thursday 27

Louisbourg, N.S.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (95)

Sunny and cold with light to moderate northeast wind, with a few specks of snow the air.

Min temperature, 14, max temperature, 25.


Friday 28

Louisbourg, N.S.

Variable cloudiness with light variable winds, southerly during the afternoon, and increasing at


Min temperature, 14, max temperature, 32.


Saturday 29

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with fog, mist, and light showers. Light southerly winds.

Min temperature, 34, max temperature, 40.


Sunday 30

Louisbourg, N.S.

Cloudy with light showers in the early morning. Cloudy during the daylight hours with a few

very brief sunny intervals, clearing in the late afternoon. Strong southwest wind reaching gale

force early in the forenoon, and increasing to a heavy gale early in the afternoon decreasing in

the evening. Rainfall of yesterday and early this morning totaled, about 3/8 an inch.

Min temperature, 24, max temperature, 36.

Church Services

At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M., Emeline, Evelyn and Jane attended services in the First United Church

where Rev. John L. Rose was the preacher.

Owing to having a cold, from which I have not fully recovered, I was not present at the service


The heavy southwest gale that swept the Province yesterday is reported to have caused

considerable damage throughout the Province.


Monday 31

Louisbourg, N.S.

Snowfall of about 1 inch in the early morning. Sunny and cold during the daylight hours, with

fresh to strong northwest winds, which decreased to light in the evening. Vapour rising from the

water of the harbour during the forenoon. Total snowfall for this month: about 10 ½ inches.

Min temperature, 6, max temperature, 25.

TRANSCRIPT HUNTINGTON DIARIES HUNTINGTON DIARIES 1956 Louisbourg, NS. Jan 1, 1956 Memorandum from 1956: Citizens, and former - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.